Chapter 31

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Its been two weeks since Sabine told me Adrian is here in New Orleans. I have been inside twenty-four seven and have only been able to go outside as long as Sabine was with me or another Cult member. I hate being hunted.. this sucks. I am really scared for Ava,

What if Adrian gets her.. I would never be able to live with myself if that ever happen. Just the thought of Ava getting taken away from me make me want to just go out there and rip the living guts out of Adrian. In the end if that's what it comes to, I will gladly do that. It would be my pleasure.

The past few days have been ten times more tiring than the rest, I've been in the bathroom with my head on the toilet, I now believe there is an indent in my jaw bone, But I knew what I was getting into when I read that stupid paper that told me I was freaking pregnant. Again.

I honestly have no clue how this happened. I mean i haven't 'you know' -ed with anyone besides Dimitri a while ago... I just I don't understand. I've actually been talking to Sabine about this and she said she was going to set up an important meeting with a Dhampir doctor. The doctor is flying all the way from Cheshire which is Located in England.

The one thought that has been lingering in my mind for a while is the fact that Ava is growing, growing fast in that matter. I don't really know if that's just because she has two Dhampir parents or if she just has a disorder.. But I suppose that we will find out soon, I hope it wont be much trouble for this doctor to come and check up on my daughter as well.

I wonder.. If Adrian turned into a Strigoi because of me. I mean its kind of conceded to think that the reason he would do that was just because of me but, I mean all the proof is there... I just can believe that's he has actually done what he said he would never do in a billion years, even if his parents turned as well. I just , I cant even imagine what it was that would make him do such a thing.

I think im just over thinking this situation, or maybe i'm just watching too much of this show. What is it called? Oh yeah, Pretty Little Liars and Teen Wolf. Yeah that's it. If your going to be locked in a room forever might as well get used to it and enjoy what the Human life has to offer right.

Ava is on her Daily stroll with Sabine's 'Right Hand' Mercie. I haven't really gotten to know her yet, but I have recently found out she is pretty rebellious. I think we would get along just fine if you ask me. I Really miss Ava, she hasn't been happy lately. I miss her smile and the cute little giggle. I think she is sensing i'm sort of depressed and scared that its effecting her. I hope that isn't the reason though.

This is all just so much, I just had a baby. I lived with Vika, Dimitri took Ava. I ran away from them both, Found out i'm pregnant again.. What am I going to do? My life is just so screwed up right now. I'm alone in this world and I guess I will be okay, with both of my baby's.

My attention is brought back when a sudden knock comes to my door. I get up and slide my bunny slippers onto my cold feet and open the door. I was expecting to be met with a face, well any living thing really. But all that's left at my door is a box and a card. Great. This sounds like a scene from a scary movie.

I bend down and grab the box and card off of the welcome mat of the front door. I shut the door and turn the lock, continuing to close it I wait until I hear the familiar click sound and Walk over to my bed. I set the box down and grab the card first. I slip my finger across the white folded paper. I open it only to be met with one of the most frightening message you could receive at twelve pm. The card read

' Hello Sweet Rose,

I know you think you can hide. But no one can hide from me, I'm Adrian Ivashkov.

I hope you sweet daughter is doing alright. Wouldn't want to loose her now would we?



Being my first instinct I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts until my eyes land on one name

Mercie Scott.

I call Immediately, bombarding her with questions about Ava. She calmly answered with an

"she is okay"

I breathed in and out then said my thanks to her and all her help, and shut the phone off. This was going to be a long next few months.

After I've had my eyes closed for a little bit My phone ring again. I groan loudly and get off the bed to grab my phone. I slide the answer side and speak into the mic.

"Hello" I ask

Its silent for a moment until I hear a responce

"Hey Rose."

Of course, Its Lucas

"Hey Luc" I respond sweetly

"How are you holding up" He asks

not well.. but there was no way I was going to tell him my problems. Especially the one about a living thing living in my stomach.

"Um, i'm all right" I have an uneasy feeling and try to move the topic back on him "Are you okay? i'm sorry I left in such a rush, I wish I could have seen you"

He sighs sadly "Me too"

I hear shuffling and then a bang. "Hey Rose, Im going to call you back later. Is that okay with you? "

Im still wondering what the band was and who was with him but I was able to mumble out a simple "okay"

I set the phone back down onto the night stand and shut the light off. I lay my head on the pillow and let my body sink into the comforter. Letting my body release all the stress and just relax. Ava isn't coming home until later so that mans I have the room to myself and all I want to do right now is sleep. And with that, I drifted and dreamed of impossible.






I've missed wattpad so much, I am so very sorry about taking so long to update its just when school starts.... Its hella busy. So I know this chapter is kind of EH but I hope you enjoy it the best you can. I love you all so much and cant believe how far you guys have brought me today :) I'm very tired so i'm off to hit the hay! Bye my lovelies


QOTD#1: Do you think Rose is the reason Adrian Turned?

QOTD#2: Lucas is coming back, how do you feel about that?

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