Chapter 32

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Lucas POV

Im nervously pacing across the room, waiting for a call. I run my hands through my hair and breathe. I take in a deep breath and try to relax.

Come on Lucas get it together, don't be nervous.

I begin walking to the wine rack when the phone rings

Here we go.

I grab a hold of the phone and stand in front of the mirror. I click the green accept button and hear the sweet yet frightening voice of Tasha.

"Hello Lucas," she says sweetly.

"H-hello Tasha." God Dam Lucas your going to give the fact that your nervous away.

"Meet me at City Park at 10 p.m.," She says, this time not as sweet.

"Okay I will be there."

The phone beeps signalling that the call has just ended. I look down at my watch and see that it is 6 a.m., great. At least I have time to figure things out.

Rose POV

I wake up to a knock on my door. I open the door and I see Mercie and Ava!

"Thank you for taking care of Ava! It was nice to finaly get some good sleep without having to worry about anyting!" I say.

A moment later Sabine walks in with a woman in her mid fourties. Sabine turns to me and says, "Rose this is Doctor Brisbane. Let's hope she can fix you up and get you back to a better health." Everyone but Ava and I leave the room. Doctor B. does a normal checkup but adds in a blood sample for the two of us. Hopefuly in the next few days she can tell me whats wrong with Ava. Doctor B. asks me some questions about Ava and her growth and mental devlopment.

I reply with, "All I know that it is abnormally fast for a Moroi and Damphir infant and I have to know why."

Doctor B. starts to pack up and says, "I will have the results in either the next hour to twenty-four hours."

After she leaves I put on some real clothes and decided to take a stroll around where I am staying. As I am walking I notice a pool and after walking and seeing what all this place has to offer I walk back to my room and lay down. I had a sudden epiphany! I rushed to my phone and called Sabine.

Sabine answers with, "What, I am a busy person belive it or not. I have places to be and people to see. What do you need?"

"Can you bring me some swim diapers and a swimsuit for the both of us? I am thinking about taking Ava out to the pool so we can waste some time before we get the results." I say.

"Fine. I can get Mercie to bring you what you need. I only have one condition for you swimming."

"What is it?"

"You have to have guards."

I silently groan in my head.


I turn my back around and head back to the house, well where im staying at the moment. Im so excited to have Ava in the pool for the first time, even though she is growing unusually fast, she is still a child and shall be treated like a normal child until the day I die. So im  going to make this the best day ever for Ava. 

*few hours later*

I wake up in my bed at the house, my head is kind of fuzzy. I sit up and rub my temple hoping to feel a soothing senstation in the process. I slump my shoulders back and soon begin to relax. I wait for one minute before getting up. 

I stand up and it takes a minute before my legs are fully cooperating with me. I rub my eyes and walk over to the counter and under the glass lays a note that reads,

 "10:30pm Meet me at City Park. Come alone."

All that is runing through my mind is who put this here? How did they get in? I'm not sure who it is or why but all I know is that im going. I have to know.


Hello Lovelys :) 

Im so sorry, its been forever. Ive basically lost all my ideas for the ideas adnd have been going through some emotional stuff here at home, but they have recently been brought back and with the help of Isabel a.k.a Divergent Me  we are going to finish this book with an amazing ending! I promise. So, to clear the air, Yes I do have a co-writer and she is going to be apart of this book up until the end. So I hope you guys will welcome her and treat her just like every one who is apart of the 'Fading Love' VA family xoxo I love you and here she is to talk to you guys

- Desi


Im Isabel, also know here for being a co-writer. I am here to help out and continue on with the story! I hope y'all like the story and let me know of any ideas you have for the story! (p.s. I love the series and am a hopelessly awkward person so talk to me!)


Q#1: who do you think sent the note?

Q#2: Why do you think Ava is growing so fast?

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