Happy Times

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Anti let out a long, low groan as he slowly came to. He could feel a thick cloud in his head and it took everything in him to not drift back to sleep.

"Anti?" Dark's voice pulled Anti fully back into reality.

"Darky?" Anti croaked out, turning his head and blinking longer than he wanted.

"You're awake." The relief in Dark's voice and the soft hand on Anti's face made him smile.

"Give or take." Anti chuckled, placing his hand over Dark's. "Dark..." Anti's face scrunched up with worry when he saw the bandages covering Dark's torso. "Did I hurt you?"

"It looks a lot worse than what it is." Dark chuckled. "I had Wilford patch me up."

"Dark...Darky-baby. I'm so sorry." Anti pressed a kiss to Dark's palm. "I didn't mean-"

"Hush, hush. It's okay." Dark put his thumb over Anti's lips. "I promise that everything is okay." Anti smiled and opened his mouth, using his tongue to pull Dark's thumb in. Dark let out a soft laugh and took his hand back. He leaned down and gave his giggling husband a quick kiss. "How are you feeling, dear?" Dark raised a brow when Anti started laughing.

"We've been married for over thirteen years and dated for four and I'm still not used to you calling me 'dear' or 'honey' or any of those cute little pet names." Anti said, shaking his head as he looked at the ceiling in disbelief. "I'm still not used to the fact that you're mine. That you're with me."

"Nice to know I'm not the only one that feels the same way." Dark rubbed at Anti's chest, happy to hear the little sigh of pleasure that came out of Anti.

"Remember when we first met?" Anti asked, closing his eyes and relaxing into the soft massage.

"You punched me in the face." Dark said.

"It was a damn good punch." Anti chuckled.

"I just asked what your name was." Dark's hand went to Anti's stomach and he smiled when Anti let out a giggle and placed his hands over Dark's, making him stop.

"I was a pissy little newborn virus." Anti hugged Dark's arm and slowly sat up.

"Don't rush yourself." Dark said, using his other hand to keep Anti from falling back down.

"You're the one whiter than Jack's stomach." Anti slid his legs around to the edge of the bed.

"Did you really just compare my bandages to your ex-host's skin-tone?" Dark asked with an eye roll as he helped Anti to his feet.

"I could compare it to something else." Anti winked.

"You just had an overcharge from eight people and my chest is covered in burn wounds, we are not making innuendos right now." Dark sighed.

"Wait? Eight? Only eight?"

"Yeah, there were seven guards and the target."

"Eight people would not make me overcharge. Eight people would make me hyper as hell and you'd have to fuck me senseless for an entire night, maybe two depending on the people, but eight would not make me shut down like that." Anti said.

"We'll discuss this later, I'm sure Annalise would love to see that you're fine." Dark started walking to the door with Anti. "Oh and Keith knows everything and he didn't run."

"Told you he wouldn't." Anti chuckled.

"Dad!" Annalise yelled when the two stepped into the living room. Annalise ran over to Anti and gave him a hug.

"So, when do I get to see some wings?" Keith asked from the couch.

"When I can actually feel my dick between my legs." Anti answered, laughing when Keith let out little stutters, not expecting that to be Anti's answer.

"Told you I get it from my dad." Annalise chuckled, letting Anti go so he and Dark could walk over to the couch.

"You haven't been awake for five minutes and you're already talking about your genitalia." Google sighed.

"You know you love me Google." Anti grunted as he and Dark sat down, Dark letting out his own wince as well.

"Where are Bing and Mac?" Dark asked.

"They're in the kitchen." Wilford answered. "Mac got a little peckish."

"Why did Bing go with him?"

"He didn't want Mac to be alone after everything that happened."

"That's sweet of him." Anti chuckled, resting his head on Dark's shoulder.

"It is, isn't it?" Annalise hummed, looking off to where the kitchen was.

"Can you feel the love tonight?" Keith sang.

"Shut up!" Annalise turned towards Keith and lightly slapped at his arm.

"You love him, you love him." Keith kept singing.

"Maybe!" Annalise's slaps got slower and slower. She chewed on her lip as they curled up into a shy smile and her face flushed a little. "Maybe..." She added in a softer voice. Keith let out a squeal and hugged Annalise.

"That's so gosh-darn cute!" Keith chuckled.

"Oh, shut up." Annalise said, weakly struggling against Keith's hold.

"I can hear the wedding bells!" Wilford clapped his hands as he chuckled.

"Uncle Wil!" Annalise protested as Wilford went over to her and took her hand. Keith let Annalise go and started laughing as Wilford danced around the room with Annalise.

"Here comes the bride, all dressed in white!" Wilford spun around with a very giggly Annalise.

"Uncle Wil!" Annalise repeated, more laughter in her voice this time.

"Maybe we will become grandparents." Anti grinned at Dark. Dark just clenched his jaw. "I think Chrome would be a good name." Dark bit his lip as he held back a laugh. "Or their name could be Microsoft Edge if they're edgy like their grandpapa." Dark put a hand over his face and let out a soft snort. "Cortana would work if they're a girl."

"Anti, I love you, but please stop." Dark leaned his head back and laughed.

"Are we partying without me?" Bing chuckled as he and Mac came back into the room.

"We're planning your wedding Bingy-boy!" Wilford announced, twirling Annalise to Bing.

"Wedding?" Bing squeaked as he caught Annalise, his hands landing on her hips.

"Wilford's just being himself." Annalise chuckled and poked Bing's nose. "A little shit."

"Language." Dark said.

"We could always turn on Bing's safe search and he'll end up bleeping out any swears around him." Google suggested.

"That would get annoying in five minutes around Anti." Bing said.

"Fucker's got a point." Anti chuckled.

"Half his speech at the weddin' would be bleeped." Keith laughed.

"Can we stop talking about a wedding that's not happening." Annalise said with an eye roll.

"Well, we'll talk all about it when the time comes." Wilford said.

"If." Annalise corrected.

"When." Wilford clapped his hands on Bing's shoulders. "And Bing better make the proposal great." Bing just let out a nervous laugh.

"I bet the wedding would be great." Mac muttered while the others continued to tease Annalise and Bing.

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