The New Virus

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Annalise glitched into the Iplier Manor, hearing voices coming from Bing's room.

"I've checked multiple times, I am unable to track Bing." Google stated.

"Try again, he's a literal search engine. Search engine's don't just disappear." Dark said.

"Unless he ran away." Dr. Iplier suggested.

"Even if he did run away, I would be able to track him. He can't shut himself off completely like that unless he's..." Google's sentence trailed when he saw Annalise at the door.

"Unless he's what?" Annalise asked.

"Keith must have texted her." Anti said to Dark.

"Annalise, go to the living with Keith, Mac, and Wilford, we'll handle this." Dark said.

"Unless he's what, Google?" Annalise ignored her father. "Unless he's what!?"

"Annalise, please." Dark walked over to Annalise.

"Unless he's dead!?" Annalise could feel her stomach tightening. "Is he dead!?"

"We're figuring that out, dear. Please, go to the living room." Dark said.

"Let me help! Please! I can help! He can't be dead, he can't!" Annalise cried.

"Anti." Dark said with a sigh. Anti nodded and went to Annalise as well, placing a hand on her shoulder and glitching the two away before Annalise could protest.

"If you think I'm just going to sit in the living room and do nothing, you're wrong!" Annalise shouted after getting left in the room, knowing that her voice was loud enough to carry back to Bing's room.

"Annie, you gotta let them do what they do best." Wilford said from behind Annalise.

"They find people using electronics and the internet, Bing's offline by the sounds of it." Annalise protested.

"Even the website's down." Keith said, showing Annalise his phone.

"Like I said, let them do what they do best, while we do what we do best." Wilford gave Annalise a wink.

"Time to misbehave?" Annalise asked with a smirk.

"Absolutely." Wilford chuckled and looped his arms through Keith's and Annalise's before the three left in a cloud of pink smoke, leaving Mac behind on the couch listening to music on his headphones and reading on his phone.


"You're adorable."

"Stop it, no I'm not."

"You're a cute little kitten, my cute little kitten."


"Are you two really trying to fuck on the couch again!?" Annalise's shout made Chase yelp and fall off of said couch, leaving a very red-faced Marvin alone on it. "Uncle Kitty, I can see your tummy." Annalise added with a chuckle.

"Why are you guys here?" Marvin asked, lowering his t-shirt. "Wait, are you okay? You were just crying like ten minutes ago."

"Bing's missin'." Keith said.

"He probably ran away from the literal demons that are your dads." Chase said from the floor.

"Google can't track him and the website is offline. We all know what that means." Wilford said.

"Oh, shit is he-"

"We don't know." Wilford cut Chase off before he could finish. "We're hoping Mr. Kitten can help us find him."

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