Smirk~Luke Hemmings/Part2

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Word Count: 4.1k+

I sat outside the apartment complex Luke had given me the address to, biting my lip nervously. I didn’t really know what I was doing here, seeing as I wasn’t one to fall into traps by slimy guys like Luke, but something made me want to come here tonight, to see what he was like outside the suffocating walls of school.

I bit my lip as I contemplated walking in, unsure of what to do or even say to him in this situation. Would his parents be there? Does he have siblings? Would I have to make awkward small talk with them? Were we just going to have sex and he was going to throw me out? I definitely wanted to have sex with him now that I’d gotten a taste of what it was like to be with him, but I couldn’t deny that my heart ached a little at the thought that this was all it would amount to.

I slowly got out of the car, deciding to at least go in and stop wasting gas. I could leave if I wanted to and felt uncomfortable, but for now I wanted to see what waited for me up in apartment 4B apparently.

As I walked up the steps, I had to admit I pictured Luke in a much different abode than the one I was currently walking up the stairs to. I could hear easily through the walls of the apartment doors I was passing and it was obvious that the building itself was really shabby. There were chunks missing from certain places in the walls and the paint on the doors was chipping and faded. The lights were giving off a flickering yellow glow, making the entire place just look a little dilapidated.

When I reached the apartment that was labeled 4B - the 4B was dangling from its hinges - I raised my fist to knock, but hesitated again. I couldn’t really believe that I was here, basically stopping by for a booty call. I’d never been that girl, I’d never been one to actually fall into a rouse like this. I was stronger than that, and I knew that it would be so easy to turn around and leave right now. Still biting my lip, I let out a sigh and leaned back and forth on my legs, trying to decide what to do. Before I could stand there much longer, the door was opened and I had no choice but to look up into the bright, surprised, blue eyes of Luke.

I had to admit, something about Luke’s current frazzled appearance made a warmth begin to tingle through my body. It was apparent he wasn’t exactly ready for me to come over as he was in grey sweats and a white tee shirt, his hair half hanging down in front of his forehead and his pink lips parted in surprised.

“You came,” he said, and I could hear the surprise even more apparent in his voice now. I smiled up at him, finding it odd that his usual smirk that was so constantly in place was now replaced by a look of happy surprise.

“I mean, that’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” I asked quietly, trying not to blush at the memory of what had happened between us earlier in the day. At my words, Luke’s face was once again graced with his smug smirk as he leaned against the door frame, trying to look nonchalant and cool.

“Well, yeah it was but, um,” he trailed off looking behind him before looking back to me. I had only a moment to panic at thinking he might already have another girl in here before a middle aged woman with short blonde hair popped her head around the corner. I looked from her to Luke in surprise, expecting him to introduce me to what I could only assume was his mother. Before Luke or I could say anything, the woman spoke up.

“Well come on in out of the cold, dear, I didn’t think Luke would keep the object of his affections waiting in the cold like this,” she scolded as she ushered me into the entry way. As she took my coat, I looked up into Luke’s pink tinged faced, mouthing the words “object of affections” with a smirk of my own on my face.

“My mom was supposed to be gone for work by now, apparently her shift is starting later than I realized,” Luke mumbled in my ear as I was led into the very shabby living room. I expected Luke to be like one of the popular guys that went to our school, obviously very big with money, lots of cars, and the perfect house. Upon realizing that this wasn’t the case at all, I couldn’t help but feel all the more drawn to him.

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