Nipple Piercing 1~Calum Hood

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Word Count: 5.7k

Warnings:piercings,dirty talking

“Silver, black, or aquamarine?”

You glance up from your cell phone at Calum’s question and frown when you notice him staring intently at the display case full of body jewelry. With a sigh, you shove your cell phone into your pocket and cross the small waiting area to join him in front of the desk.

He points at three straight barbells and you frown at the sight of them. “I like that one,” you decide as you point out a lilac circular barbell, “it’s pretty.”

“Sorry, love,” Calum hums as he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his side, “straight barbells only until you’re healed.”

“I still can’t believe you talked me into this,” you sigh although it was your idea in the first place, Calum had just convinced you it was a good idea. You’re quiet for a moment until you feel him rest his chin on your shoulder and you mumble, “You’re such a bad influence.”

Calum grins and tilts his head to press a kiss to the hickey he’d left on your neck the previous night before he hums, “The worst. Pick a barbell, love.”

After a moment of indecision, you reach for the aquamarine barbell only to have Calum gently slap your hand. “What was that for?” you pout as he releases your waist and reaches to grab the jewelry before he gestures for you to follow him to the back of the closed shop.

“Remember the last time you picked up your own jewelry?” he questions as he begins gathering the necessary supplies for the piercing. When you turn your head to hide your heated cheeks, he grins and hums, “We never did find the nose ring you lost. You still want to change that ring, by the way?”

“Yeah,” you nod as you watch him methodically sterilize the tools he’ll be using, “was thinking a black ring. The bar’s not strict on visible piercings so for the summer, I wanted to do something fun. When classes and my internship start back up, I’m thinking about going clear. I don’t wanna get rid of it but I know it’ll be frowned upon at the office.”

“I’ll grab you one before we head home,” he promises as he turns back to face you. “Shirt and bra off, love,” he hums as he reaches for the hem of your t-shirt.

“You’re just trying to get me naked, Hood,” you tease as you allow him to pull your t-shirt up and over your head. “This is a lot of pain for me to go through just for you to see my tits.”

Calum rolls his eyes as you reach behind your back to unhook your bra. “I’ve seen your tits and gotten you naked many times before,” he reminds you with a laugh, his eyes bright as his hands brush your waist, “but just think, in a few minutes, those pretty tits of yours will be that much prettier. You’re gonna look so fucking hot with your nipples pierced, baby.”

“You really think the pain’ll be worth it?” you question, your nerves returning full force as your eyes dart over to the needle lying packaged on the desk. “Like, I’m sure it’ll look good but, I mean. I don’t know. Is this really a good idea?”

Calum smiles at you as he pulls you a little closer and gently soothes his hands up your sides. “Do you want to get your nipples pierced?” he asks, his tone serious. When you nod, he copies your action and asks, “Do you think you’ll like having your nipples pierced?” Again, you nod. “Do you trust me to do this for you?” Another nod and Calum smiles. “I can’t tell you that it won’t hurt,” he sighs as his thumbs brush the undersides of your breasts, “and I can’t tell you that the healing process won’t suck. But, I can tell you that I’ll do my best to make you comfortable and I’ll do my best to make sure the healing process doesn’t suck as much as it usually does. And, besides, if you hate them, you can always take them out. That’s the best part about piercings.”

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