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deaf y/n

word count: 8,627 ((im screaming))

Little smut but i really like it

The last place you'd think someone who was deaf would work at was a music store. Ironically enough, Y/N held a job there, mostly because any other job she wanted to have dealt with interacting with other people and was just too stressful for her.

Her job was fairly simple; unpack shipments and restock what's out on the floor. All the while, she wore headphones over her ears because she came to realize that no one tried to talk to her with them on. They thought she was just listening to music like any other worker would at this store, and nobody, deaf or not, tried to talk to someone that was listening to music. Headphones are the universal sign to tell people to ignore them. It's a fact.

Except, one person was stupid enough to test this theory one day.

Y/N's boss knew some signing, but as far as communication went between them, a whole lot of notes were written, instructing what Y/N needed to do next during her shift. When she walked into the shop that morning, raising an eyebrow at the 'HELP WANTED' sign in the window, her coworker had already started for her, a box propped on his hip. He put the last couple of CDs on the specific shelf before he noticed her coming through the front door and smiled. Y/N smiled back.

Dean, the guy she worked with and the owner of the shop, walked over to her and held the box out for her to take. Y/N quickly put her purse behind the checkout counter and took it from him, getting the memo and looking at the first CD to put in it's correct spot.

Though she was deaf, Y/N was not stupid. Especially when dealing with music, which was again, ironic. Before her hearing left her for good, she remembered her dad trying to teach her guitar and listen for different tones, feeling the vibrations of the strings along the fretboard. Guitar turned to bass, as Y/N loved the deeper tone the instrument gave off, and how the thick strings felt under her fingers. She could feel bass's sounds, even after her hearing was starting to get worse and worse. She loved it.

Her dad loved to play her different songs and have her try and figure them out on the instrument of her choice, and with that, Y/N became a music expert at the ripe age of 5 and a half. By her 7th birthday, Y/N was deaf.

Now 22, Y/N still remembers how the music sounded to her, and how much she loved it. She still remembers her favorite bands: Weezer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kings of Leon especially-they were one of the newer bands she learned to love, and they were the last band she found (and loved) before she became deaf. She never got to experience the pop-punk wave in the 2000's; legends like blink-182 and Green Day weren't in her music collection, no pop or electronic music had been exposed to her, all because of the disability.

She sorted through the box, separating Rock from Metal, and Alternative from Pop. And one by one, the shelves were restocked. She wondered what the music held in the cases sounded like.

The bell above the door to the store jingled, and a tall frame walked through, a mop of blue hair atop his head. He glanced around the store, before spotting Y/N and walking up to her.

"Hey, you had a 'help wanted' sign outside...?" He started saying, pointing behind his shoulder with his thumb.

Y/N didn't move, for obvious reasons, so he tapped her shoulder. She jumped in surprise, looking up at the boy with scared eyes, her mouth hung open in shock. She opened her mouth to say something, anything, but she was unable to. She wish she could've said something to make her look less stupid, or at least have the decency to remove her headphones and make some sort of hand movement to explain she couldn't hear.

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