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I was becoming a lot more comfortable with who I was as time went on. After I talked to Michael, and he told Fin about the scars, and all of that stuff, he and I started to form a relationship that was built around more than us making out. I soon learned that he was actually a pretty cool person, and a good friend, and I was more willing to be affectionate towards him in public because of this. I still never told anyone else that I was gay, but I didn't really mind the idea of other people finding out as much as I used to. However, I still didn't plan on telling my parents any time soon.

I honestly felt like things were getting better, and for the first time since school started, I felt as though I had hope for my future. My entire mindset in general just got better, and my mental health improved significantly, and everything was ok. Well, that's how I felt, until report cards got sent home. It was no secret to me that my grades dropped, because every paper that we got back had a below average grade on it. However, my parents didn't know that my grades dropped.

When I got home, my parents were sitting at the kitchen table with my report card in front of them, and I immediately knew that I was screwed. I took a seat across from my parents, and sat quietly while I waited for them to speak. My mom let out an audible sigh, and slid my report card across the table so I could look at the multiple C's, and a couple of D's.

"Max," Mom began. "We need to talk about these grades."

"We don't know why your grades went down so much, but we are very disappointed in you." My father added. I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Mom pointing to a number on the report card that said that I had four unexcused absences.

"You have never missed a day of school, which means that you ditched four of your classes. What do you have to say for yourself?" Mom asked. I picked up the report card and looked at which classes I had missed. There were two in gym, one in math, and one in englished. I suppressed a blush, because I missed math and english because I was with Michael during those times.

"Um, I got sick during gym once and puked instead of going to class." I said, referring to the first day we changed out for the class.

"What about the rest?"

"I got caught up in something during lunch that prevented me from going to math, I had to talk to someone during my english class and missed it, and I was busy during the other gym day." I said, trying to avoid going into specifics. However, Mom was not satisfied with my answers.

"You were busy? You got caught up and had to talk to someone? I don't care who you just had to talk to, because your classes are more important."

"No, this person is very important to me, and I wanted to talk to him." I didn't want to tell Mom and Dad about Michael, and specially not because I was in trouble. I suppose they deserved to know, and I now know that I wouldn't have been able to hide it from them forever anyway. However, at the time, I believed that I could just keep it a secret until the day I died.

"Who was this student? I want to call their parents and tell them that you two have been skipping classes."

"No, it's not his fault. It's mine." I said, wanting to protect Michael.

"Then you're grounded for a week." Mom said. I nodded, snatched up the report card, and went into my room. When there, I texted Michael.

Mom found out about me ditching classes. I'm grounded for a week. How are things going with your parents?

I got to my report card before my parents saw it. I'm sorry that you got in trouble.

No, it's ok. Mom wanted to call your parents, I saved you from that.

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