Chapter one: Breakout

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Everything seemed alright in the world. I am eighteen years old about to get my diploma in high school. I can't believe I am even graduating. I don't have many friends i lay low. I only have one friend and that's Nadia Jacobson who is seventeen turning eighteen. I got out of fourth period heading to lunch to meet up with Nadia. We always sit in the back corner of the cafeteria near the food court. 

"Did you hear what is on the news? It's so scary." Nadia said. 

"What are you talking about? Who even watches the news these days?" I said. 

Nadia showed me  a video of a girl with a scratch, its weird I have never seen anything like this. She had a fever at first but she wasn't panicking. The next thing you know she closes her eyes and she is dead. The video was cut off. This is all weird. I think it's fake news. 

"None of this is real, probably just to scare us." I said 

"You're probably right." Nadia said. 

We all heard someone scream from the cafeteria a few moments after Nadia showed me the video. Everyone is panicking, I do not know what is going on. 

"I told you this is real!" Nadia yelled as everyone is screaming from the top of their lungs. I panic. 

"Nadia we have to get out of here, I have to find my parents and brother!" I said. 

"Malia we can't go anywhere right now all the doors are locked including the cafeteria." Nadia said. 

Shit it looks like everyone is getting the fever. For some reason Nadia and I are not getting the fever. Everyone in the cafeteria is dying. Or so it seems. It looks like everyone is dying but they are coming back. The look in there eyes are a vein blue purple color. There skin is yellow and grey. 

"Okay Nadia, we are going to have to make a run for it. Are you with me?" I asked.

"Of course. Anything. I just don't want to die!" She said. 

"The kitchen has a door in the back. We just have to sneak our way through-."

"This is principle Chris Kay, We are not having a drill, this is real. Please close any remaining classrooms and stay in there until protocol and any update announcements. This is not a drill!" Principle Kay said. 

"We are not staying here we have to go!" I said. 

The fear and panic rushes on my face as people are being taken down. It smells really bad like rotten corpse bad. I make a run for the door and Nadia follows behind me. There are cafeteria workers hiding in the corner scared for there life. That doesn't stop me , i need to get out to my car. 

We make it out of the cafeteria. We run straight for my car no looking back. My long hair blowing with the wind. Teenagers running deathly afraid of dying. I get in my car quickly turn on the ignition. I quickly drive to my house. We live in Charlotte North Carolina so we are a big town full of people. All of North Carolina is full of people. Literally. 

When i get to my house we are in the middle of no where in a small neighborhood in the countryside. It is beautiful. We live near the lake as well. Once I pull up to my driveway i see my parents car is gone. Maybe they're at work or something. 

I walked inside the house. Nadia standing behind me. 

"Hello anyone home?" I yelled. My little brother is fifteen, he can't survive this world without anybody. I searched every room. No one is here. I try texting my mom i have no answer. I heard a door open. I saw what was left of my mom. She was dead. I still have hope for my Dad. I search the basement  , Nadia searches the barn. No one is here. There's only one other place I didn't look, the attic. I pull down the attic latter and walk up. I searched the room. I opened the door underneath the storage room. There he was. My brother. My Blonde hair blue eyed brother. 

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