Chapter Ten: Never gonna let you go

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Above is a picture of Lydia :)


I couldn't believe what was happening before my eyes. Bellamy and I got captured. What did they want with us? We didn't plan on harming anyone. Bellamy was lost in his thoughts for a few seconds. He didn't seem to want to believe what was happening right now and in my case neither did I. We were trapped in this underground camp for a day. What are we going to tel Mel? Is Kai and the others safe? 

After a day of waiting a guard finally came and practically dragged us to another room. The same woman that captured us is sitting in a chair with guards at her side. 

"Hello Bellamy and Malia. I have been deciding what to do with you guys. I have found your friends hiding in a nearby building of ours. Like I said , the decision is up to you guys if you want to stay here. You don't have to hunt or do anything you don't want to do." She said.

"Can we see our friend's?" Bellamy asked coming back to reality. 

"If you wish." She said.

"Wait what is your name?" I asked.

"Lydia Dji." She said. 

I nodded. Lydia had brown hair and brown eye's like an average person. She is a beautiful human being I have to admit that. She wasn't that old either. Lydia lead us to our group. Kai, Mel , Dylan , Amy and Jordan stood there shocked to see us.

"Where have you two  been?" Mel asked.

"Here." I said. 

Kai looked at me all worried. He went up to hug me , I obviously hugged him back. 

Kai whispered "Are we safe here?"

I nodded ensuring him that we will all be alright. This place seems safe from the outside world. No one know's we are here, not Elijah , not Nadia , not anybody but those around us. 

"I want to make sure that you guys are safe. Our guards will be following you and show you around , this place isn't like Quarantine." She said. How did she know we were at Quarantine? 

Lydia seemed like she knew a lot of things, she wasn't an idiot. She knew what was coming for her. She has people surrounding her worshiping , wanting to feel... safe. 

We all had a room to share. It wasn't like Quarantine where it was spread out and everyone was in each other's way. It was like they knew the breakout was going to happen. 

Like I said earlier we all had our own rooms. My room was just a plane dull grey color. No colors at all, no windows, just a desk , shower , and a bed. It was pretty private. I snuck into Bellamy's room he was in the shower. I can hear the water running. The door was unlocked. I walked into the bathroom while he was showering. He had curtains so he couldn't see what was going on outside. I took off my clothes and decided I wanted to shower as well. Once I took off my clothes I pulled the curtains so I could get in. Bellamy didn't hear it so he jumped and turned around. 

"Malia what are you doing?" He said with the shower water running.

"I love you Bellamy." I said. 

As he smiled , I kissed him. I felt safe with Bellamy. It was like he read into my soul all the time. Our kiss grew deeper , he pushed me down to where I was bending. He stuck in his (you know what) and we started making the best kind of love. 

When we both got done showering and dried off I laid down on my bed with him. He is my soul , my life. I don't know what I would do without him. 

"I'm never gonna let you go Malia, I love you too." He said. 

This chapter is a little steamy ;) , I needed to make this chapter steamy because I actually ship Bellamy and Malia together. I got my inspiration off of the 100 lmao. Bellamy is my fav character and im pretty much obsessed with that name. Anyways enjoy the next chapter , I will reveal some details missed out in the blink of an eye :o

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