Chapter Thirteen: Trust

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I was looking for Bellamy because  I wanted to make sure he was okay. Lydia called Bellamy to speak with him. It was weird and odd because none of the guards were near them. I guess Lydia told them to go away or something. I still had to find him. 

I searched through most of the closed off area's, I am assuming that is where they will be. Once I found the next room I found someone in it, He was laying down in his bed shirtless. I quietly walked away until he spoke.

"You looking for something?" He asked.

"Do you know where Lydia is?" I asked.

"No, But I'm pretty sure I can help you find her." He said.

He was cute, He had the blackest hair with light blue eyes. He was pretty. But Bellamy is my rock, I love Bellamy. He got up and put a shirt on. We both walked out of the room and I followed him. He lead me to the staircase and it lead to the basement. In the basement was a door that was shut. 

"Well you gonna open it?" I asked.

"Your wish is my command." He said sarcastically. 

I ignored his comment and he finally opened the door ,which by the way took him like five minutes because it was sealed shut. Anyways I saw Bellamy looking at Lydia shocked. 

"Malia what are you doing here?" Bellamy asked.

"Looking for you, but I see you two  were having a deep conversation." I said. 

"This is important Malia, you shouldn't worry about me." Bellamy said and kissed my forehead. 

"Kace what where you thinking bringing Malia down here, I told you not to let anyone find me." Lydia said.

"Sorry she was looking for you." Kace said. 

"Sorry Lydia, I wanted to see if my boyfriend wasn't dead." I said. 

"That's sweet but we really need to talk, Perhaps you want to tell her Bellamy?" Lydia said. 

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Nothing we will talk about it later." Bellamy said giving me that look to leave. 

"Ugh fine, I will leave, Whatever." I said storming out being pissed off. 

Kace followed me after that.

"Ugh what is he doing with her?" I asked.

Kace shrugged, He know's what's going on I just have to get a kink out of him. SOmething that will make him talk.

"You know something don't you?" I asked whispering into his ear sending sound waves of seduction.  He flinched.

"I am not going to tell you Malia you'll have to find out, as much as I like "this" it's gonna have to wait." Kace said.

Ugh what's that suppose to mean. 

I waited and waited for Bellamy to show up for hours and by the time it was dinner he still wasn't with me. Which is odd. What has Lydia done to him? 

When I was done with Dinner I saw Bellamy sitting on the bed. 

"Malia , Lydia and I are half siblings." He said.

My mouth dropped. NO wonder why she let us in , maybe she recolonized Bellamy. 

"At first she thought she was tripping that I wasn't Bellamy. But we had a nice discussion. My uncle did it with my mom first and had Lydia , then Lydia was in Quarantine all her life being studied for being a lab rat by Elijah, once she was eighteen and old enough she escaped and came here and started to build "Camp Exodus" It wasn't until I was born that she found out Mom had another child with Elijah's brother aka my dad. She didn't want to interrupt anything with my mom's pregnancy so she waited here for me." 

"Wow, I had no idea you guys would be related , but what about Dylan?" I asked.

"He know's about Lydia, she told him before she told us and promised him to keep it a secret." Bellamy said.

I could never pass Dylan being the kind of guy for secrets. He must be good at them then. But this is a lot to process. I was mad at him for spending to much "time" with Lydia. But they're brother and sister. They have a right. 

"Malia are you okay?" Bellamy asked.

"Yes I am fine, I just wish you would have told me." I said. 

"I did , just now. I didn't know myself until now." Bellamy said.

"Okay , Okay, But just to be clear you are mine." I said and kissed him . He smiled within the kiss.

It was sweet , but  we didn't have time to make love to each other, not with Lydia here circling our every move. I believe they are related but I still don't trust her. 

Hey guysssssss, i finally continued this book, finally. I had a lot going on im doing admissions for CC and its been kicking my ass, but i am back making these chapters. I hadn't really found the motivation to come up with plots , but in the next chapter the new characters plot will mean something deep. 

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