Chapter Four: Training

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Today I start training.

It's weird because I have no strength and I need to work on it. My upper body needs the work. My lower body on the other hand is fine. The bell goes off for everyone to wake up. Everyone is suppose to report to breakfast at seven thirty and at nine thirty everyone is to report to their jobs. Everyone here has job including the elderly. There are five different jobs. Number one is to fight and train to go on missions, the second one is to be trained for nursing and surgery, number three is to learn how to grow food, number five is hair cutting and artistry and that is about it. 

When I got to training there were a lot of eighteen to twenty year old's here. Elijah said he needed younger people because we are stronger and we are more ambitious. We are determined. We each had groups of three with six people. My group of course was Bellamy, Kaya, Astrid, Oliver and Mel. 

"Alright all fighters aim at your target practice." Bellamy said. Bellamy is the leader of the group. Our target practice is the dead. Nothing more nothing less. If we got bit or infected we were out. Our group would face termination. 

I don't plan on losing today. 

Bellamy set off many of them at me for some reason. 

"This little girl can't fight for her life." Bellamy said. 

I shot three dead at the same time. 

"You want to re think that?" Oliver asked. 

I smiled. 

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Bellamy said. 

He set more and more the dead at me. 

"Bellamy that's enough." Elijah said. He came out of no where. 

I looked at Elijah practically thanking him. Our group didn't lose though thank god. 

"Group number one scores a 10." Stephanie said. "Group number two scores a 8 and group number three scores a 7." 

We won! 

If a group wins that means they go into combat training which means the hardcore training. I was proud of myself. After my job was complete I go back to my bunk. Nadia was there.

"How was your job?" She asked. 

"Difficult." I said. Elijah specifically told us not to tell anyone about our mission. 

"So what do you even do?"  I asked. 

"I help people. I am actually becoming a nurse like our Moms." She said. 

"That's amazing." I said. 

Nadia continued reading her book.

"So where's Kai?" I asked. 

"He's with that guy Dylan." She said.

"What? I told him not to go near Dylan. What is wrong with him?" I asked.

"Malia let him live a little. He needs to be friends with someone other than us." She said. 

She was right. I did need Kai to live a little. But if Bellamy doesn't want Dylan hanging around Kai than that's not up to me or for discussion. 

Bellamy came back to his bunk. He slept near Dylan of course. 

"I'm going to lunch." I said. "Do you want anything?"

"No just bring me back some water." Nadia said. 


I was on line getting my food because I was starving. I haven't ate anything since seven thirty this morning as usual. It is now one o'clock. 

"Some practice today huh?" Mel asked.

"Yeah. Weird." I said. 

"Don't mind Bellamy he is always hard on the new people." She said. 

"So what is his story?" I asked. 

"Well his name is Bellamy Orwood. He is twenty years old. His Dad is the co owner of this place. He has a brother named Dylan Orwood who is fifteen, his mom died battling cancer and that's all I know." Mel said. 

"Wow." I said. 

"So what about you new girl?" She asked. 

"My parents died when the attack happened. It's just me , Nadia and Kai." I said. 

"Is Nadia your sister?" She asked.

"No more like best friend, but she is my sister by heart." I said.

"Ah." Mel said. 

"Hello Malia, Can I talk to you for a second?" Elijah said

"Sure, I'll see you later Mel." I said. 

We walked to his office. As usual he is in a suit.

"So how are you liking this place?" He asked.

"It's nice I like it and my family seems to." I said. 

"Great. Well the mission starts tomorrow at dawn. So i asked my fighters to wake up at dawn. Are you up for the mission?" He asked.

"Sure, Sir may I ask what the mission is?" I said.

"The mission is to bring back as many survivors as possible and to take out the dead." He said.

"Well I guess I will be here." I said. 

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