Chapter Five: Mission

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above is a picture of Malia


I stared at the ceiling not being able to sleep. I tossed and turned all night. Kai and Nadia are sound asleep..

"Will you stop that tossing and turning?" The voice said and of course it was Bellamy. 

"Whenever you stop acting like a jerk. Like it or not we are going to be a team on the mission tomorrow so I would like it if you would stop being a jackass." I whispered. 

I didn't hear anything from him so I assumed he just fell asleep because it was silent. 

After a while I fell asleep and as soon as I did it was time to go. I couldn't tell anyone about where we were going. Not even Nadia. 

We were teamed with our normal group. 

"Okay everyone today your mission is to bring back as many survivors as possible. You will learn the different effects of the walking dead." A doctor said. 

"It is very important that you all pay attention just in case the living are infected. First stage is fever, second stage is bloodshot eyes , third stage is hyperventilation, last stage is of course the dead..." 

I paid attention carefully because I wasn't going to die, not today. 

"Alright everyone looks like you all paid attention, now it is time. Please grab weapons and ammo and your vests and helmets." Elijah said. 

Okay I admit I was nervous but  we were going up against the dead. I only went to training for a week. 

Our driver is taking us out now. No dead near by. We were in the city of Charlotte NC. Many dead people are walking now. They are slow like they haven't had anything to eat.

The driver stopped in midtown.

"Alright everyone listen up. We are going to go in teams of three. Mel , Malia and I will go in a team and Astrid Oliver and Kaya are a team. Lets go people we don't have all day here."  Bellamy said. 

Everyone spread out. We searched the buildings and they searched outside. All I have now is fear. I do not want to die out here. But the only way for me to survive is to suck it up. I need to survive for Nadia and Kai. 

I heard some noise coming from downstairs.  

This way I mouthed to Mel. 

There was girl with Dirty Blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Miss are you infected?" I asked.

"No but please help my son." She said. 

"Where is your son ma'am?" Bellamy asked. 

She pointed to the door. The dead came charging at us, the women was crying. Bellamy shot the dead in the head and I lifted her shirt. She was bit. 

"Should we shoot her?" Mel asked.

Bellamy pointed his gun and shot her. 

I was shocked. How can someone just kill someone in cold blood? Bellamy stormed out of the room into the next. Mel stayed behind to search for more people.

"What the hell was that Bellamy? We could have saved her!" I yelled.

"She was as good as dead." he said. 

"Why are you so full of hatred?" I asked.

"Because the world is dead." He said. 

I took his hand and held it. 

"Guys I found something!" Mel shouted. 

Mel found another person in here. There were so many of the dead. No living. There might not even be any survivors to bring back. We might be at a dead end. I don't know what to tell Elijah. 

We decided that searching the buildings weren't going to do us any good. We couldn't waste any bullets or people. We needed to find the other three. They said they were going to search the outside in the alleys. Bellamy wanted us to search for them. But we had to do it in secret. So the dead wouldn't see or hear us. If you make any sound or movement they will charge at you. At first I wasn't sure that we all should team up what if one of us couldn't see any of the dead at first and we become part of them? I needed to come up with something that wouldn't affect all of us. 

"We need to split up." I said.

"Hell no. We are not splitting up." Bellamy said. 

"Look I came up with a perfect scheme. One of us distracts them and the other goes for it and searches the alley's." I said.

"That does sound like a good plan Bell." Mel said. 

"Okay so you two distract the dead and I'll go and find them." I said. 

"Fine." Bellamy said. "But if this doesn't work out , I am blaming this on you." He said. 

We split up. Mel stood up and banged on one of the glass to make the dead hear her. They came for her. When they weren't paying attention I searched every alley. I found a gun from ours. They are near I know it. 

I heard yelling. I moved towards it. I got closer and closer it was Oliver. He was fighting them off. 

"Malia run!" I saw him go down. Shit I need to help him. I aimed my gun and I shot them off. They didn't bite Oliver as far as I know. 

When I looked down Oliver was bit. He was bit! What do I do? 

"Bellamy!" I screamed.

"Shit Malia just shoot me." 

"I can't." I said. 

I thought for a moment. It was either we both go down or I live.

It took every thought out of my head.

I shot him. 

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