Chapter Fifteen: A fight for life

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Well after Bellamy and I had our little talk we all went to sleep , I was tired of fighting, I was tired of fighting for survival. Even though we had our differences we still loved each other and that is what matters.

Tomorrow marks the day of two months since we left Quarantine, and it has been two months since I saw my best friend Nadia. I miss her a lot , I miss when our families got together during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. But things have changed, We all changed. 

I wanted to get out of here. We have been inside this camp for about two months. I looked for Kace because I knew he would help me out. Sometimes I think Kace doesn't care about anyone but himself but he is a good person to be around. 

I found Kace chatting someone from the camp. 

"Hey Kace, I need to talk to you for a second." I said. 

The girl walked away as Kace looked at me like I was shit or something.  

"What Malia? Jesus I was in the middle of something." He said. 

"I was wondering if you could tell me the way out of this place." I said.

"No I can't betray Lydia like that again." He said. 

"If you can't tell me just give me a map or something or point me the way out." I said. 

"That would be telling you. Just find your own way out." He said. 

"Fine maybe I will." I said. 

I was walking away until I heard a sigh.

"Wait, You wont get far without someone these day's. Let me get my gun and load up." He said.

That's more like it. 

"Don't tell anyone you hear me." I said. 

"Whatever." He mumbled.

When he was finished loading up on some gear we headed out. He lead me out into a tunnel, it was long and far and there were guards on every corner. 

"Okay we need to wear these black clothes, it's the only way we wont get noticed." He said.

He handed me a black face mask and a black coat. My shoes were already black. Anyways once we got passed them. It was crazy enough to think how people could be so careless. But I guess the dead wouldn't think to look down here. 

Kace found the exit, it had an alarm to be notified when people left. But Kace knew the password thank god, he was right. If I came out on my own I would have got busted the minute I got caught. 

"Are you sure you want to leave?" Kace asked. 

"Yes I wont be gone for long." I said. 

"Okay, fine I will go with you, I don't want anything happening to you knowing I am responsible." He said.

Besides his sarcastically snarky comments , he can be sweet. 

The bright sun hit our faces as soon as we exited. The hot air blowing against our faces. It was around mid October, the winter season is coming soon, might as well enjoy the last of it. Anyways we started walking away from Camp Exodus. If I was just a regular person I wouldn't even see the camp or the entrance. It's no wonder there have been no dead coming in. 

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