Chapter Three: Quarantine

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Above is a picture of Bellamy ;) 


I saw a building out in the distance. It was a tall glass building among other glass building. It was beautiful. I never been near this side of North Carolina. I have been in the woods for days with Nadia and Kai. We have't seen anybody since the breakout. Its just been us. We walked for miles and miles.

"Hey I think I heard something." Nadia said. 

"Where?" I asked.

She pointed in the direction she heard noise. I walked near the noise. I saw little movement in the bushes. 

"Whoever you are come out now." I say. 

A women came out. She looked like she can be in her mid twenties late teens. The lady had long silky blonde hair and striking blue eyes and a small nose. 

"Hello. My name is Stephanie Blake. Welcome to quarantine." She said. 

I looked over at Nadia wondering if we should trust this women. We don't know if she is telling us the truth or not. 

"How do I know if you're not lying?" I asked. 

"Malia Pierce ins't it? You have been out here for quite some time now correct?" She asked.

This was unusual. How did she know my name? Who is this person? 

"Follow me." Stephanie said. 

I gave Nadia and Kai the signal to follow her. She took us out of the woods onto a road that lead us to one of the glass buildings. IN the glass building there was a lot of people. More than I have seen in a while. People I didn't recognize. Stephanie took us down stairs below the ground. Below the ground was bunks and rooms. Everyone had a bunk but no doors or anything like that. In our bunk "room" we had teens from  twelve to eighteen. In the next "room" we had adults from twenty to thirty. Then in the third room were elderly people. 

I put our stuff down underneath my bunk. Nadia is sleeping on the top bunk while I am sleeping on the bottom. Kai is sleeping in the bunk next to me. 

"So you guys new?" A boy about Kai's age asked. 

I nodded my head. We can't make friends here because if we do then we get separated and we aren't smart on survival. 

"Yes we are." Kai said. 

"I'm Dylan, Nice to meet you all." he said. 

"Nice to meet you." Kai said and shook his hand. Dylan seemed nice for Kai since hes so young. There were a lot of teenagers here. I don't know if trust anyone these days. 

"Do you have any family?" Kai asked. 

"Just my brother Bellamy. He's training now though." Dylan said. Bellamy? what kind of wack name is that? What training? Don't we all need training? 

"Malia Pierce please report to admissions office. Please report to admissions office." I heard my name over the intercom. 

"Its fine Malia, I will watch him." Nadia said. 

I was at the admissions office. There was a man in a suit in a fancy office. He seemed young about in his thirties. He had a beard and light brown hair. 

"Hello Malia welcome to paradise. My name is Elijah Summers. Now from what Stephanie told me you were out in those woods for a while. I want you and your friends to feel welcome and safe here." He said. 

"Thank you I appreciate that." I said. 

He smiled. 

"Well we need fighters and I think you would be a great addition to that." He said. 

I thought about it for a second. We needed to be trained but I don't know if i fully trust this guy yet. 

"Well the decision is up to you of course but I would need an answer by tonight. Most of our fighters will need to go on a mission to get food from the nearest school." He said. 

This seems like a good idea. I need to learn anyways maybe I can teach Nadia and Kai. 

"Can Nadia and Kai train with us?" I asked.

"We need them for something else. This is a classified mission only for those who seem strong and that can tolerate things around here." He said. 

"Okay fine. It's a deal." I say and shook his hand. 

I went back to the bunks to find Kai and Nadia missing. The boy Dylan was still there. 

"So what did they need you for?" He asked.

"Classified information." I said. 

"Dylan what did I tell you about talking to strangers?" A deep voice said. 

"Sorry they're new." Dylan said. 

The guy looked at me with some kind of attitude. He had on a uniform that seemed to big for his ego. Anyways he was tall and fit. Dark brown hair with blue eyes and tan olive skin. He gabbed Dylan off the bunk and told him to go and do his job.

Finally Nadia and Kai came back from whatever it is they were doing. 

"Where the hell were you guys?" I asked.

"Well someone brought us to give us jobs." Nadia said. 

"I don't trust these people not one bit. Keep your eyes open." I said to Nadia. 

"Where's Dylan?" Kai asked.

"Doing his job. I expect you guys to stay away from him." Bellamy said. 

Damn he's moody how are we going to deal with things here. We need to set ground rules for ourselves. 

"Malia we are safe here, lighten up." Nadia said. 

I took her word on it. 

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