Chapter Eight: The Escape

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The kiss didn't last long. 

"Get a room." Dylan shouted walking in with Kai. 

"Kai where have you been?" I asked.

"Making new friend's duh." He said.

"Kai I need to talk to you in private." I said pulling away from Bellamy. 

He looked at me and nodded. I dragged Kai to an empty private room. No one was in it. Just a door and some lighting. It was pretty much the no people zone. If you wanted to escape you would come here. 

"We're leaving here tonight." I said.

"What? Why?" Kai asked.

"Because it isn't safe like I thought it was." I said.

"I knew it. There was something awfully fishy. They always wanted us doing our jobs the moment we woke up, yelling at us for every little thing going wrong." Kai said. 

"Did they ever do  anything to you?" I asked.

"They almost hit me but Dylan stopped them." He said.

That make two of us literally. 

"Nadia doesn't like this plan. Can you convince her?" I asked.

"I'll try. But I wont make any promises. She has been distant recently. Elijah has been "secretly" talking to her." He said.

What? Since when did Elijah talk to anyone else? Isn't that illegal here? He only talks to the fighters. That's his area of study. 

"Pack everything you need. Bellamy is talking to Dylan because they are coming with us." I said.

"Can one other of my friend come with us?" He asked.

"Depends on who." I said. 

"There names are Jordan and Amy." He said.

"If they truly want to leave they may join us." I said.

"Okay, I'll warn everyone." Kai said. 

He walked out of the room and I stayed behind. I thought about everything. I mean should we really be doing this? Is it safe yet? I heard the door open. It was of course Bellamy.

"So everyone is going through with the plan." Bellamy said.

"Great one less thing to worry about. My only concern is Nadia not going through. Kai just told me Elijah basically has her under his spell. We need to make her see that he isn't who he says he is." I said.

"You're right." Bellamy said. 

We were in the moment again. I couldn't think about this now. 

"Bellamy about the kiss." I started to say.

"It's okay. When we are ready we will talk about it. For now I want to be in the moment." He said. 

That was the most nicest thing any guy has ever said to me. He looked innocent and not a rude jerk, I realized that he was only being a jerk to look out for himself and his brother. I am trying to do the same with Kai and Nadia. He took my hand and smiled. That smile. I normally never see that smile. It was one that was captivating. He was right about this world being dead earlier. 

It was that time for us to head back to the bunks to sleep. When everyone is asleep I will warn the others to wake up and escape, including Nadia. I set a strict time for me to wake up. It was time for me to get up and wake up everyone else. But I notice Nadia is not here. That is strange, she is normally asleep before I even wake up. I woke up Kai first then Bellamy.  Bellamy woke up Dylan. I found Mel's bunk and woke her up. Kai told me his friends were meeting us at the entrance to escape. 

I ran towards the exit fire escape. It was the only way out. There was a big stair case going up and down. I obviously followed by instinct and went up. We all formed a tight line so that we can see from all directions so that no one attacks us. Finally I see a big door with a latch on it. I started to turn the wheel and the door opened. It lead us out to a building that was close by. We were to meet everyone else at the entrance. We got to the entrance in time. No guards were in sight. 

"Okay. Let's do this." I said.

"Wait!" Elijah said. "If you all leave you will be making a mistake." 

Nadia was standing next to him. 

"Nadia? You told him our plan?" I yelled.

"We're safe Malia. I trust Elijah. He kept us sheltered, bathed and fed us. Why can't you just let other people do things for you?" Nadia said. 

"Because he is dangerous." I said.

"Not me those above me." Elijah said. "I have been protecting you guys from the start." 

"Malia come on we have to go before the gates close." Kai said.

Kai was grabbing me so that we would leave.

"If you leave you wont survive a week, and you won't be allowed back here. Your friend is making the right decision." Elijah said. 

Nadia looked at me. She looked like she didn't have a soul. She looked right through me. It was like Nadia didn't see me as a person. What did they do to her? 

"Nadia please. Come with us." I said.

"No, I'm sorry." Nadia said.

"Me too." I said and everyone walked out and the gates closed. I took one last look at Nadia remembering my sister. Knowing her, she will be fine. I just wanted everyone safe. I didn't want to make her hate me for making her leave somewhere where she felt safe and happy. 

"You did the right thing Malia." Bellamy said.

"I don't know anymore." I said. 

Everyone was walking and he took my hand and was holding it the entire way through. I know we need to find cover. Mel searched through the building making sure it was dead free zone. Nothing is safe anymore. 

Finally we found a building that was safe. I searched the building by myself for food because i needed to clear my head. Killing  was the only thing making me sane. Everyone saw what was happening. I didn't want to believe my only sister betrayed me like that. 

No one is safe , not even those who survive.  

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