After Earth

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This last chapter is the final chapter in this book, I hope you guys enjoyed my first ever book I have been working on this since the beginning of 2018. Anyways like I said earlier if you would like to edit anything let me know in my messages.

My eye's began to lift, all of a sudden I was in a hospital bed, with my family surrounding me. My best friend Nadia was with me by my side. What the hell happened?

"Malia , do you remember what happened to you?" my mom asked.

"No." I said.

"You were in a car crash, you survived. I don't know how, but you did." Mom said.

"So the Apocalypse was never real?" I asked.

"What Apocalypse?" Dad asked.

"You were all there!" I said.

"Now she hit her head pretty hard. She must still be in the coma stage." The doctor said.

"This isn't possible, where's Bellamy?" I asked.

"Honey who is Bellamy?" Mom asked.

"Bellamy and Dylan, Where's Kai he must know who I am talking about." I said.

"Kai is in another room he was in the car with you." Mom said.

I tried to get up but the doctors wouldn't let me.

"I think you need to rest." Dad said.

Everyone left the room but Nadia.

"Malia who are you talking about?" Nadia asked.

"Bellamy and Dylan Orwood" I said.

"Bellamy Orwood, the doctor?" Nadia asked.

"Yes , Yes you know him?" I asked.

"I can get him if you would like." Nadia said.

"Yes please!" I said.

Nadia left the room to get Bellamy, I can't believe I was even dreaming it all felt so real. How the hell did I get in a car crash anyway's it must have been someone or something. I don't remember a single thing. AM I even alive?

"Hello Malia, you wanted to see me?" Bellamy asked walking in.

"Bellamy you have to remember me." I said.

"Yes, Malia you are a patient who was in bad wreck." He said.

"NO! No this can't be real!" I yelled.

"Miss I think you need to calm down!" Bellamy said.

"NO Bellamy , I love you okay you." I said.

"Miss I don't even know you I am married to my wife Lydia and we have a son together and his name is Dylan." Bellamy said.

Where the hell did those names pop up then? They are brothers and sisters! I looked at his ring. I tried slapping myself awake but it didn't work, I know I wasn't dreaming and it was real. I saw all those people die , I even killed myself. Bellamy grabbed my wrist's and tried to stop me.

"You have been in a coma for two years Malia. You will remember in time." He said.

"NO I must be dreaming please." I said. I Kept punching myself until I got knocked out by a needle injected into me by Bellamy.

I woke up again and this time I knew I wasn't dreaming. I was in the same hospital room with no one around. Where is Kace and Mel and everyone else I knew, I didn't meet them for nothing. No I need to get to the bottom of this. I must be trapped in my mind on some kind of neurotic drug.

"Hello Malia, My name is Elijah and I run the psych ward can you please tell me the first thing you remember in your dream?" I knew it was Elijah , that murdering son of a bitch.

"You killed everyone!" I said.

"Malia calm down, Did my assistant Bellamy explain to you what happened?" He asked.

I didn't answer him.

"Okay Malia I will leave you here for a long time if you don't cooperate." he said.

Finally I did.

One week later.

I finally began to remember bits and pieces from the car accident. My it was a dream, just a dream. My mom said we never knew anyone named Mel or Kace. I don't know where those names popped up in my mind. I was just happy that I got out.

Maybe I did save the world in a sense, I saved my world. I knew living on without Bellamy would be challenging since it felt so real what we had. I go on talking to Elijah more and more and I fell in love with him. He was so sweet and kind, not like Quarantine Elijah.

Everyone was saved and most importantly so was I.

So plot twist in this story I know, I wanted to save the best for last, if you enjoyed my story please let me know, I have another story in the works. thank you for reading


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