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A mirror is dangerous.

Friendship after friendship with another girl who hates the color of her eyes, the shape of her kind face, the dips or craters in the skin of her tummy. 

I have never watched the way she stares at herself when it's just the two of them,

but I can see the look of disapproval, the same I wear in my teary eyes on my worst days. 

It's not a chore to see how she must view herself, this world makes it so easy to imagine. 

because we don't have to. 

because we live it. 

Would life be different without reflections?

Would we love the little things we do?

would our focus fall easily on the beautiful things we can create while our eradicating brains lay unaware of the color of our eyes or the way we wear those pants?

What can become of a life without the painful influence of a mirror?

They are everywhere; mirrors. 

and they are notoriously dangerous. 

and in them, we find a list of things we need to change,

but only we can see them. 

As for the girls in my life, rest assured your hearts make your skin melt around a skeleton I would not trade for another body of my own. 

You are the prettiest shade of perfect, it's through all of the little things and the works you create while your mind is destroying you slowly. 

Never listen to the words you find etched into the world's mirrors, never abide by their standards. 

A freckle here and a couple of eyes that remind me of the beauty of a universe outside of our small, yet impeccably nefarious planet of girls who trust not in God's grace existing in who. they. are.

I would not trade the color of your skin or the shade of your compassionate eyes for a kiss of rain in a hundred-year drought. 

One morning, we will wake up and you will never look into another mirror without me there to reassure you that all of those things your worst days see, are malicious lies. 

One morning, you will wake up and you will feel it. You will feel beautiful. 

But until that day comes, avoid mirrors at all costs, because they are everything lie the world wants you to believe about yourself.

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