Set Me Free

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Sometimes, I have to remind myself that it's not the world's responsibility to love me—or even like me.
Sometimes I need to take a step back and realize that even after giving all of myself to someone (or something), even then, they can still regard someone who gives them far less than I do, as more important than me.
That's okay.
Even though I'm genuine to you and I have always shown you love, compassion, and patience.
Even though there are people who you consider closer and a bigger part of your life who have talked bad about you behind your back and I have defended you.
Even though at some points I was the only person who was crazy enough to listen and care.
That's okay. Perfectly okay. I have some level of understanding.
I'm not bitter...but only because I have to constantly remind myself that it is not your responsibility to love me back.
No, it is my responsibility to love and to be compassionate and to be patient and to listen and to care.
I hold myself accountable for all of those things.
And it's fine if you never do.
We were all raised differently. We all have different motives and different ideals and different morals.
We all have different perspectives on every living and dead matter.
Just know that while I'm loving you and I'm showing you all of the things that a human-being should be shown and that monsters loathe, I expect nothing in return.
So whatever game this is that you are playing, the joke is on you. The laughter is from your own mouth and shallow chest and aimed at the likes of you.
I am free from feeling anchored into the ground, feeling like I'm missing something from everything. Feeling like I'm not a piece—a vital ingredient—in whatever it is you are making.
Remember the words you say behind my back and the games you hope are winning you favor amongst people of higher stature or, quite possibly, far more years you equate with experience.
I might be younger in some senses than you are, but I am more mature in heart than you have ever proved to be.
Come to me with that at 3 in the morning before work.
I felt abandoned...
But everything you've said that's made me feel that way, has really set me free.

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