The Highway

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The highway has a way of playing games with our minds. 

A long stretch of dotted lines comes with patterns of clouds beginning to remind you of something he said or did at one time or another. 

Even towns away from home, every model and make in that year is his.

Just one song comes on and everything comes rushing back to life. 

You giggle to yourself, but in such a melancholy way when you remember that moment is over and gone. 

Your brain stops making sense, wrapped up in all of the memories you've had with him before. 

And time seems to stop, you forget to remember where it is you are going. 

It isn't until you see the long stretch before you all over again that you decide daydreaming is safer than not. 

Sometimes long stretches of highways make you miserable unless they're accompanied by the better times of life with people who truly matter. 

I think driving down the highway can really make one go quite mad. 

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