Who I'm Not

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Who do I need to be to be who you need?
What place in my life do I need to stand in, in order to be where you are? Or even just to meet you half way.
If we were some place else, anyplace else; I would be who you need and I could stand where you're standing and everything would fit together so perfectly.
But I am who I am. There's no changing where I am in life, who I'm becoming, what direction I take when faced with a fork in the road.
You have chosen and, in turn, have made it to your final destination.
I'm stuck living out the consequences of my young existence and experiencing failure and living just to reflect on my mistakes.
I'm not saying you are perfect, I'm just saying you are wiser and you understand the ways which the world pose against us all, a little fonder than I do.
I wish I could say we are working on the same puzzle, glaring into the same reference picture, scrambling around for the same pieces.
But we aren't.
Our hands will never fumble together as we both reach for the same piece.
And I can't imagine a day when we will.
Who do I need to be to be who you need?
Basically, anyone but myself.
And I'm sorry....that's someone I just can't give you.
And I would give you anything else.
Anything else in my world that you could possibly want.
Anything else, except for who I'm not.

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