Chapter 7 - Isolated

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Jerry eyed me and I had to cover my breasts, my va-jay-jay, and everything else at the same time.

He shot to his feet, "Sorry," and turned away, shielding his eyes. "Get your towel."

I scrambled to pick it up and wrap it around me. "W-why are you here? I thought you left?" Things couldn't get any worse. Jerry had been on his knees, in his boxers, and wearing his black t-shirt. He still held the scrubber, but a container of what seemed like dishwashing liquid was on the floor.

"Left? I thought you meant for me to leave the bathroom. I assumed you wanted to take a shower." Slowly, he faced me.

"Why would I—" The room spun in front of me. I squeezed my eyes shut as a headache surfaced. My body drifted, but then I felt Jerry's arms around my waist.

"Lei, are you sure you're okay?"

"Don't touch me. Your hands are nasty, I'm fine," I eased away, pinching my forehead. "It's probably the alcohol."

He ran to the bathroom, washed his hands, and returned, shaking it dry.

"Why are you even pants-less? You thought you were going to get some? Huh?"

"What kind of guy do you think I am? I was trying to clean the vomit you left on the floor. I thought you might forget and slip, so I decided to clean it." He shook his head. "I'm pants-less because leather is difficult to kneel in. I'm sorry."

I held my temples. "I think you need to go, it's early and your girlfriend and your baby needs you."

His jaw tensed. "It's not my—"

"I don't care, you need to leave," I waved him off.

"But the vomit is still—"

"Go! I'll clean it myself."

"Do you always chase the help like that?" He hopped as he put on his pants. He zipped it up and walked to the door. "I'm not the bad guy in this, Lei."

I folded my arms. "Why don't you just leave already?"

Shaking his head, he left, closing the door behind him.

Why did everything have to be complicated? I already had to deal with my dad and Luke, and now him? Jerry seemed to be a nice guy, but he had his own issues to deal with. Aside from that, my body felt like a train wreck. Everything went wrong with me and I didn't know why.

As I headed for the bathroom, another pain stabbed me in the stomach. I clutched the wall. Why was this happening? What the hell was happening?

I was able to make it to the bathroom for my pills without passing out. Thank God. I popped two and then dragged myself to bed naked.

That afternoon, I woke up feeling like roadkill. My tongue felt heavy and gritty, sticking to the roof of my gum. Not even water helped. I stayed on the couch and did nothing.

I would put my phone on the coffee table and rest for a few seconds, but by the time I checked it, I always ended up with a few missed calls.

I sat upright, remembering Cara. How awful could I be for not checking in on her? I dialed her number.

"Yes?" Marko answered gruffly.

"Excuse me?" I eyed the phone's screen. "Whose phone is this?"

"What do you want, Leila?"

"Where is Cara and why are you answering her phone?"

"Cara is indisposed, she can't come to the phone."

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