Chapter 20 - Diversion

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Jerry sat upright. "Really?" He seemed more excited than me.

"Yeah, I did say for the new year, so..."

"When do you want to do it?"


His brows furrowed. "What's the rush?"

"Nothing," I shrugged. "I feel liberated."

"Well, it certainly can't happen now, maybe tomorrow or during the next week. I have to check with Lorenzo."

I pouted. "Spur of the moment things are supposed to happen at the spur of the moment."

"Well, you've got bad timing," he laughed.

"This is so not fair."

He mirrored my face. "Life isn't."

"You're making fun of me."

He chuckled, "No, I'm not. Now, will you excuse me?" Jerry got up to clear the bill for the drinks.


We were driving for some time and I had no idea where we were going. I knew it wasn't home because that was the other way. "Where are we going?"

Jerry smirked, "You'll see."

I concentrated on the road for any give-away clues as to where he would take me. When I asked him again, he gave me the same response—that I'd see. Then he turned into a road that led us to a dockside. Although the area was heavily lit, I didn't feel comfortable at all. "Uh... Jerry?"

"Hm?" He parked the car and switched off the engine.

I looked around, aware of how fast my heart was beating. "Where are we?"

"We are going for a boat ride."

I eyed him meticulously. "A boat ride? In the night?"

"What's the matter?"

I shook my head. "Nuh-uh. Weird shit always happens to people on boats in the night."

He peered at me. "Are you serious? I wanted to do something romantic."

I nodded like a bobblehead doll. "Yes, yes, very serious. You can be romantic in the day. Plus, I'm not dressed for the occasion."

"It's just for half the hour."

"Do you know what's longer than thirty minutes? The movies. Let's go to the movies."

Jerry sighed and explained how he had booked the ride in advance to surprise me. He tried to convince me about how fun the ride would be, but I didn't care. I watched too many movies to know what might happen. Resigning, he exited the vehicle and spoke to some guy near a makeshift booth and handed him a few cash. He returned, started the car, and drove off without saying a word.

When we arrived at a movie plaza, I decided to pay for our romantic movie tickets and bottled water. It surprised him that I bought the tickets. He said no woman other than his mom or aunts ever bought anything for him. I was shocked. What kind of women did he date? I shook the distressing thoughts and lead the way.

Jerry's left arm felt warmer than a mother's embrace. He was cozy and smelled so yummy. I could have sworn he'd gotten an erection but I couldn't see clearly in the darkness. All I knew, there was a bulge between his lap. I practically grinned like a maniac for the first half of the movie.

Then my phone vibrated. Seeing it was Julian calling, I got up and crouched out of the theater, telling Jerry I would be back.

"Hey, Jules, sup?" I answered, clearing the doorway.

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