Chapter 31 - Sunshine

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I swallowed.

A slight problem? His face didn't make it seem like a slight problem. His face looked as if someone had died.

Shifting in my seat, I waited for him to continue. I didn't have the strength to ask him what the problem was. If I was going to die, then who would take care of my mom? Who would bury me? Who would—

"Ms. Clarke?" doctor Peter waved.

I peered up at him.

Although the room was as chilly as night, my forehead beaded with sweat as if I fell asleep in a damn sauna. The suspense was killing me. "What-what is the problem, doctor?" I pulled myself to ask.

Dr. Peter reviewed his notes again and set it on the table. He clasped his hands and then leaned towards me. I couldn't understand why he took so long even when he already knew what he was going to say. I hate these kinds of things. Just get over with it already.

"Well... uh... the good news is that your blood toxicity is fine. We didn't find anything life-threatening."

I let out a sigh. At least that was a relief.

"But..." he paused.

My smile turned into a frown. "But?" Oh, God. Here it was—the problem. The issue that might change my life for good. The issue that would determine my sanity.

"You're pregnant, congratulations."

I jerked back. What? Wait... what the fuck? "Pregnant?" I opened my mouth twice and shut it, shaking my head. "That... that could never be." The doctor said my womb was ruined. Chances of conceiving were slim—next to none. I couldn't get pregnant! He had to be kidding, right?

"Well, we checked your urine and the blood samples—both confirmed your status. You're pregnant, Ms. Clarke."

"B-but, but..." How? I hadn't had sex in like... since... Oh, shit. "But we used condoms," I blurted out, completely forgetting who I was speaking to. I pinched my forehead, revisiting every scene, every... God. I palmed my face. No. No, no no! I dipped my head backward in misery. Why lord, why? Just when we were going so great.

"When was your last period?" the doctor asked.

"About three weeks ago, but it-it wasn't heavy. Mostly spotting." I didn't think anything of it because my period had been behaving like a wack job over the last five months.

Dr. Peter nodded. "Constant nausea and vomiting are what we would usually call morning sickness. The meds might have played a part, but this was all you."

"So, what's the problem then?" Surely he didn't think my pregnancy was an issue. He'd just told me congratulations.

"I'm afraid you are not receiving the right amount of nutrients for the healthy growth of your child. We may have done more damage to your body than good. I was at fault for not testing you when your symptoms appeared. Had I done that, we would have been able to understand your body."

Dr. Peter continued, explaining how my hair loss was possibly due to the pregnancy and the depletion of vital nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, and many more.

"I need to stop the anxiety medication immediately as it can be harmful to the child. You might be well into your pregnancy and haven't received the necessary supplements."

I agreed, but I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was pregnant. Pregnant. God...

"I am writing a referral for you to see a gynecologist. You can hold on outside until it's ready."

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