Chapter 12 - Quality Time

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Maybe the Gods were against me because the moment I entered, a photo of Luke and me caught my attention.

I moved to take the picture down but a sharp pain jabbed my stomach, taking the wind out of my lungs. I darted into the bathroom and vomited over the sink until I saw blood. I almost freaked out when I saw it, but when I puked the last time, I saw nothing. I had no idea what was happening because today I felt good and my nose bled once, but now this? I took a pill from my cabinet and went into the shower.

Maybe it was time to see a doctor.

As I stood underneath the mists, everything about Luke and me flooded back. I held onto the tiles to keep myself from folding in because guilt scraped my mind for thinking the things I thought about with Jerry.

Later, I settled on my bed and opened my laptop to finish setting the exam for my students, and an hour later, I finished the chemistry test and only had the math to do. But as much as I loved teaching, I couldn't wait for the term to end. With only Tuesday and Thursday left, I would be free until the third week in January.

I proofread my chemistry questions and then called mom.

"Hey, baby girl, what's up? I thought you weren't gonna call me."

I laughed, "Of course, mommy, I must call."

"Oh ho, I nearly say since you pick up with that new man you don't have time for me."

"What new man, mom? Jerry and I are just friends."

"Jerry? What kind of name that? A weasel man you have?"

"Mom. It's not nice to judge by a person's name. His real name is Armani Geronimo."

"That sounds better, it sounds Italian. Italian men love them some black women."

I rolled my eyes. "How are you?"

"Me, I there, my arthritis kicking up in my knee. Nothing new."

"Oh, well keep rubbing it."

"What about Luke? He still sleeping? That boy not strong at all. Is so long he go play dead?"

"Yes, mom, he's still sleeping, as you put it. He's not playing dead, he's in a coma."

"Yes, I know, child."

We spoke for almost an hour and she gave me updates about the neighborhood bacchanal. She told me more about Julian's job interview and I told her about Cara and Marko, and about Jerry with his baby mamma problems. Surprisingly, she didn't fuss about Jerry, only told me to guard my heart. Although she hadn't seen Jerry, she already liked him. I didn't mind, but Jerry and I were only friends.

I woke at 7:30 a.m. to get a head start on setting the math exam. I ate the remaining dessert in the fridge and carried my laptop to my couch. For about two hours, I didn't move until someone banged on the door.

I draped my fluffy pink robe over my short pajama and opened the door ajar.

Wow. I kissed my teeth as I walked back to the couch, leaving the door open.

"What, no greeting? You're not at least going to help me?" Jerry said, struggling with two large brown bags of groceries.

"Why?" I lapped my feet and placed the laptop back on my legs.

"Because I'm being nice by restocking your empty house. It was supposed to be a surprise and you're not acting surprised, Ms. Clarke." He grunted as he brought two other brown bags inside.

Jerry placed the last two bags on my countertop with a clatter and hovered the back of my couch. I saw him with a side glance, but I refused to acknowledge him.

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