Chapter 21 - The Good

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"Jules..." I paused to collect my thoughts. "I'm not sure if now's the time given your circumstances but..."

He eyed me, "Lei, it doesn't matter what the issue is. I will come through for you," he said squeezing my nose.

I smiled nervously. "You remember when I told you about Luke and his coma, and how I had fainted?"

He bobbed his head.

"Well, apparently the doctor who prescribed me the medication for my issues tried to poison me."

His eyes widened. "What? Nah...what? Are you serious?"

I nodded and explained further. I even fetched the results Dr. Dorn gave me and showed him. He already knew Luke's mom hated my guts so he suspected it was her. I told him how ill she made me and how my tubes were half damaged. My voice broke all over again. Julian held me when I became a blubbering mess and I couldn't stop crying. Maybe it was the thought of not ever having kids or that I'd been damaged.

"You're going to be fine, cuz."

And when I finally calmed in his arms, I mustered the courage to ask him to represent me.

He cut me off mid-sentence. "Yes! Yes, of course, Lei. Any day. For something like that, I will check for you anytime."

I jumped over, hugged and then kissed him on the cheeks. "You're a lifesaver," I sniffed.

"We're going to fight those bitches till the end."

I smiled.

"But what does Luke have to say about all this?" he asked.

My smile dropped.

"Wait... you did tell him, right?"

"No..." I kept my head down. "I can't stand to see any Steinos right now."

"It's not right to leave him in the dark like that. He's probably confused. You need to talk to him."

He was right. I wasn't being fair. Luke called and texted non-stop asking me what happened. It probably drove him nuts knowing he couldn't walk to come to see me. I sighed. "I'll try to visit him tomorrow. I'm not sure how to tell him. I don't even know whose side he'll choose."

"I understand that but if he loves you, he will work with you to find the truth and pick a sensible side."

I nodded. "You see why I love you? You always know what to say."

He beamed. "I try my best."

"I still don't know why you're single though..." I poked his chest.

He chuckled. "I'm just waiting for the right girl."

"I'm sure you will find her and I can't wait to see her. She better don't play with my fave cuz." I waved my finger in the air.

We both laughed, but I would literally fight the girl who broke my cousin's heart.

"So, we shall start looking into your case tomorrow," he said.

"Already?" I asked, surprised. "Why don't we focus on that after your interviews. I want you to ace it... although I know you would."

He smiled. "Okay, so what do you want to do now?"

I shrugged. "I thought you turned off the TV because you were tired and ready for bed?"

"Nah, I don't really watch TV. Mostly Netflix but I'll hook it up tomorrow."

I never really studied my TV was a smart one. I bought it on sale and only watched the cable I paid for. "Well, I'm doing some late-night laundry so I'm gonna be up until whenever. What you wanna do?"

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