Chapter 26 - Betrayal

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My heart skipped a long beat—like, almost dead but not a dead kind of beat. Stephanie Taylor? I didn't know any Stephanie Taylors. So who the heck was this? And why was her name sitting next to my fiancé?

Sitting on the dusty couch, I examined the letter. It was opened, but I just couldn't bring myself to reveal its contents. A medical lab meant test results. But for what? Something told me to put it back but then, it could be something bad. But if it was something bad, then that meant I would set myself up for a heartache. I groaned, pinching my forehead. Why couldn't my life be simple?

All the reasoning would never erase the fact that I found the envelope. The damn thing got wedged between the drawer for me to see it. Nothing else. Tucking it in my back pocket, I gathered all the clothes into a garbage bag and dialed my taxi.

When I got home, I met an empty house. It pissed me off that Jules was busy spending time with Paisley instead of me. Julian having a girlfriend was great and everything but I needed him to be available when I wanted him. Paisley was hugging all his time. I pushed the garbage bag of clothes to an empty corner near the front door and went in search of a snack in the kitchen.

I found a note on the table from Julian. "Hey, Lei, I won't be coming home tonight as I'm spending the night at Paisley's parents' home. I will be home probably late tomorrow. Julian."

Probably late? Tomorrow? I crumpled the paper and threw it across the room. That bitch. Now I had to wait a full day to talk to him? The envelope would drive me nuts by then. I couldn't wait that long. I needed to know now. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Snacks made people feel better, and that was what I would do. Eat one. I prayed to God that my chocolate Rice Krispies did me justice. But as I finished one pack and opened another, the urge to open the damn letter resurfaced like a cold sore in winter. I couldn't read it now. Not like this. What if I got a mental breakdown or something? I hurried to the living room and put the TV on one of my favorite Disney moves. A sweet Disney movie always helped.

After watching Mulan and The Lady and the Tramp, I called Cara to find out how she was going. To me, she sounded like a train wreck. She gave me the cold shoulder over the phone, and when I asked about the doctor's sessions, she was tight-lipped about it. I broke off the call assuming she didn't want to talk. I didn't mean any harm by it but if she didn't want to talk, she could have said that. I threw the phone on the couch and made dinner.

When midnight came, I couldn't sleep. The stupid envelope kept searing into my mind. I even heard voices telling me to open the damn thing. I sat upright and huffed. What was the use waiting until tomorrow or when Julian arrived? Losing sleep now and possibly for another day made little sense. It was better to open it now.

Getting up, I flipped the switch and took the envelope from the couch and carried it to bed. Slowly I slid the white paper from the envelope and held it closer to my face.

That son of a bitch.

The letter fell and landed on the bed. I shook my head. How? Why? After all those years, why would he do this to me? I squinted at the paper with disgust. The letter contained DNA test results for Stephanie Taylor's unborn child. Luke wasn't the father but just seeing his name against some unknown child was enough. It had been a clear admission he'd slept with her. No innocent person would need to take a fucking test.

My stomach churned. It took all my strength not to rip the paper to pieces. I wanted to call him and curse him out for doing this, but it was late. And the thing I would say would warrant me to be in an asylum.

I flopped back on the bed and clutched my tummy, hoping I wouldn't puke. At this point, I thought I would cry, but it seemed as if I'd used up my tears. All I felt was anger. Luke had cheated on me. On me! Years I suspected it but I never really found evidence. That bastard. How many times had he done it with her? Heck, how many times with others? The thought of it sickened me. I turned to my side and curled into a ball. He always took from me. Take, take, take, and never gave. This shall be the fucking last.

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