Chapter 13 - On Edge

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"Come on, Lei. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you angry. It was a joke."

I had slammed the door in his face, fuming. He'd already pissed me off with the movie and now this? "Go away. You're a terrible person."

I heard shuffling behind the door and then Jerry's van started. Jeez, I didn't expect him to leave that fast. I peeped through my window curtains and watched as his van drove off.

I got dressed in a new pajama and then popped open my laptop to see two emails—one from the school, stating my work had been approved, and the other from a shopping site.

I logged off my email and pulled up Facebook, hoping to see what Jerry and his girl were up to. I searched for his name and came up short. Nothing. Then I wondered if he'd deleted his account. I tried all combinations of his name and still came up with nothing. Why? I tried to remember his girlfriend's name but my memory betrayed me.

So much for an entertaining night...

I woke up at two o'clock in the morning sweating like a pot cover. And the thing was, I had the air-conditioning on the nineteen.

Pissed, I texted Jerry.

Lei: I just woke up cold sweating!

I sent him six angry emoji faces and a middle finger and threw my phone on the bed to fetch a glass of water. By the time I returned, I had a new notification waiting.

Jerry: I'm sorry, didn't know it was that serious.

Why was he even up? I sent him another middle finger and soon after, the phone vibrated with his name on my screen. Just great. "Why are you calling me?" I answered.

"I don't know how many times I can apologize, Leila but I'm truly sorry."

"Sorry can't buy ten cents curry." I quickly regretted saying the words because he didn't know Caribbean slang.


"Nothing, never mind. The damage is already done." I sighed. "Why are you up?"

"I was thinking about you."

I rolled my eyes. "Are you outside? What is all that breeze I'm hearing?"

"Yeah, in my gallery."

Oh, wow, he had a gallery. "Why? What happened to your bedroom?"

"Uh... nothing, I just like it out here."

"Okay." I folded my legs beneath me and propped the pillow behind my back for support.

"So, what are you wearing?"

"What?" Surely I didn't hear right.

He chuckled. "Just kidding. Do you plan on going back to sleep?"

"Yes, I plan to. It's night, you know." I cleared my throat. "By the way, I'm wearing nothing..." He coughed. "but pajamas." I snickered. "Did you really think I was going there?"

"I don't know, but it would be nice entertainment. Do you want to know what I'm wearing?"

"No." I lied. "I'm not doing this with you, Jerry boy."

"Oh, come on, we are two consenting adults."

"Nah, I'm good."

"I'm still going to tell you anyway," he laughed.


"I'm not wearing—"

I hung up. Not because my battery died, but because I hadn't the strength to carry on a conversation like that with him. Dry spells could have a girl humping bed sheets. Jerry called again but I rejected it. I shot him a message and flopped back into bed without waiting for a response.

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