Chapter 32 - Glitter is not Gold

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I laughed nervously. A date? But when his facial expression remained unchanged, I realized how serious he was. Oh, God. A date? In my condition? "Uh..."

Then Jeremy's face sagged into a dejected smile.

Honestly, I didn't know how to answer him. Free food was my weakness, yes, but I didn't want to rub him the wrong way. I didn't need a guy right now. I needed to focus on my mother and myself. And especially the baby.

I gave him a soft smile. "Umm... that's a bit intimate, don't you think?"

"How about lunch, then?" he said eagerly.

Darn it! "I... I will have to get back to you on that. I have a lot going on right now."

Jeremy frowned. "Oh... I understand."

Guilt ate at my stomach for turning him down. He really seemed like a decent guy. He smelled nice, looked good, and was well put together. I sighed. "How about you give me your number and I'll message you if anything comes up?"

With a beaming smile, he responded, "How about you punch your digits in my phone and I'll just message you to see how you're going?"

Smartypants... "Okay." He handed me his phone and, hesitantly, I dialed my number, calling and ending it. "There you go."

"Nice. Well, I won't be a bother. Have a good evening."

I saluted him and put my gear into drive. Please lord, don't make him be a creep.


The next few days, I was surprised Jeremy hadn't called or texted. It was sort of disappointing that he didn't. Filling the little loneliness in my life with a little entertainment wasn't a bad idea. It might just help me cope with all that happened. Maybe I was too crass. Maybe he saw the "do not disturb" sign on my forehead.

I decided to message Jeremy as I waited in doctor Benedict's office for my second checkup.

Lei: Hey, it's me Leila how are you?

After three minutes, I regretted it. Desperate enough? Sheesh. Where was the unsend button when I needed it?

I had just pulled up a bubble game on my phone when it chimed with a message.

Jeremy: Hi beautiful, I'm good. Just organizing some drinks for the club later

Lei: Cool

Jeremy: Are you still up for lunch with me?

Did he really ask this when he hadn't texted first?

Lei: For when?

Jeremy: In an hour

Lei: Nah, I'm busy right now. Sorry *sad face*

Crap! Second rejection.

Jeremy didn't respond and I found myself twiddling my thumbs over the keys. I was poor at this. Exhaling a heavy breath, I texted him again.

Lei: What about Friday? I'm free for lunch.

"Ms. Clarke?"

I looked up, almost forgetting where I was. "Coming." Stuffing the phone into my purse, I followed the assistant inside.

I walked out of doctor Benedict's office relieved. She said everything was fine based on the ultrasound but she took blood samples to do the necessary tests. If it were one thing, doctor Benedict made me feel as comfortable as I could ever be. She had to be an angel from above.

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