Chapter 8 - Anger

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I shook her again, mortified by her blueish purple lips. "Cara!" Anger burned through me like acid as I flew outside, looking for Marko. "You mother fucker. What did you do to her?" I shoved his chest until he backed into the couch, almost toppling over.

"Nothing, you bitch."

I raised my palm to slap him but he caught and squeezed my wrists. He lifted his other hand— "You lay a single finger on me and I swear to God, my mother won't let you live through next week," I gritted.

Oh, how I wished he'd slapped me so I could have a good reason to lock his ass up, but his hand went limp beside him. As pissed as I was, I needed to forget about him and attend to Cara. I shoved him off, scrambled for my phone, and scurried into the bathroom.

The ambulance was on its way, but I kept hoping that by some miracle, she would wake up and say it was all a joke but she didn't move. Not even her chest fluttered or anything. I didn't even want to think about it. It could never happen. It should never. "I'm sorry, Cara, I'm so sorry. Don't you dare fucking die on me."

The siren blared in the distance.

"Cara, please hold on, I got you, you got this." I tried to remain strong for her but my voice trembled as I said the words.

I ran to the door, watching as the ambulance stopped in the driveway. "Hurry, she's not moving." They moved as slow as slime. "You're gonna make her die."

I got so carried away with Cara that I hadn't noticed Marko's disappearance. His car wasn't outside and any trace of him in the living room vanished. That fucker.

The responders lifted Cara onto the stretcher and carried her into the ambulance. She hadn't responded, but I saw a tiny flutter in her chest, which was a great sign. I jumped into the ambulance and squeezed her cold hand.

"Close the damn door and hurry up." They were taking forever and every second counted. Then finally a guy jumped in with us.

God, the other night I'd been horrible to her. I should have been there for her.

The guy took her hand from my grasps and checked her vitals.

"Is she going to be okay?" She wasn't even moving, just lain limp.

"It's hard to tell since she has a weak pulse. We will find out when she's admitted."

The ambulance jolted to a stop almost giving me a whiplash. I heard male voices outside before the door flung open. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and exhaled.

The guy who'd checked her vitals stood. "We've got to move, stat, she has a weak pulse, it may be an overdose."

An overdose? How? What the heck did Marko do? I scurried into the hospital alongside Cara as they rolled her towards the emergency room. I peered at her the entire time hoping she would at least flutter her eyes or hands or something, but I got nothing.

I couldn't go further since the doctors asked that I wait in the hallway. Nothing killed me more than not being able to know what was happening to her in there.

I paced the hallway until a nurse brought a comprehensive form to fill in for Cara. At least that kept me busy for a while...

Two hours passed and they were still in there with her. But why? What could possibly be taking them so long? It couldn't be that serious. Could it? And as I thought the words, a doctor emerged from the back.


"Ms. Clarke. Call me Ms. Clarke, what's going on with her, is Cara going to be okay?" I wanted to skip the introductions and get to the point.

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