Chapter 10 - The Talk

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My tummy growled on the way to the park. It had been loud enough for birds to hear and head for the hills. Lucky for Cara, first-class offered everything. I grimaced at the bubbly feeling in the pit of my stomach when it gurgled again.

When the driver made a left turn towards the park, I messaged Jerry.

Leila: Hey, there yet? I'm now turning in.

Jerry: Yeah, I'm sitting on the bench near the garden of sunflowers... in the west wing.

Leila: Cool, I'll see you in five.

Jerry: *winky face*

The driver stopped at the main entrance of the park. Everything had changed since I last came with Luke two years ago. The arc at the entrance had been decorated with beautiful flowers for every color of the rainbow. I snapped a photo of it. They even had ticketing booths.

Back then, it was free, but now everyone had to pay five bucks. As I entered, a lady in a pink and green gingham uniform handed me a map. I turned right and kept on walking but paused when the west wing looked nothing like the direction I headed. I turned around, stuffing the map into my purse.

My phone chimed when I almost met the sunflower garden.

Jerry: Did you get lost? *surprised face*

Lei: No, I stopped to eat grass

I shoved the phone into my pocket and passed the pink begonias. I smiled when I spotted Jerry standing near the bench, looking down on his phone with a big grin on his face. "I wonder who's responsible for that goofy grin on your face?"

Jerry looked up and stood, greeting me with a big bear hug. Totally unexpected, but cute. I didn't actually hug him back, though.

He held me at arm's length, "You always look lovely. How are you?"

"A'ight... You?"

"Happy to see you. Have a seat." He motioned to the wooden white bench.

I crouched to take a seat and my stomach made an obnoxious growl. Christ.

Jerry peered at me. "Um... Hungry?"

I scratched my head. "Maybe..."

He lifted a brow, "Maybe?"

"Yes, yes. I'm starving. I didn't get to eat breakfast and lunch. Sorry."

"Don't be. But you need to take care of yourself." He offered his hand to pull me up and I took it. "Let's have lunch. I know a really nice cafe, and we can talk there."

My insides did a happy dance at the thought of a free lunch. Whenever a group of persons floated by, Jerry pulled me closer. The stony pathway was a bit narrow and anyone could easily get mud on their shoes or get entangled in a plant if they, weren't careful.

"I'm not getting on that." When he said he would be right back, I expected him to return with his car, not a motorbike.

His brows knitted. "Why?"

"I'm too old for that."

"What are you... a granny? Aren't you younger than me?" he said, handing me a helmet.

I stomped my foot. "I'm not going on your bike. I've never been on one. I'm scared."

"Well, today is your lucky day. I'll be safe, promise. And no wheelies." He touched his heart.

Wheelies? I walked away.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a taxi."

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