Chapter 38 - Harmony

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One year later...

Life hadn't been a fairytale, but it was going damn good. Jerry's undying love had been something I looked forward to every morning when I woke up. He treated me like a queen. And ever since I brought Luca home from the hospital, he wanted to assume the role of mommy and daddy. If breastfeeding was an option, I was pretty sure he would have done it.

At nights, when Luca woke up crying, Jerry would be the one to care for him. I stayed in bed and got my full eight hours of sleep. Thank God. During the day, I had more energy than our feisty terrier, Natty. Jerry gave me Natty for my birthday and she hadn't simmered since. I loved her spirit because she reminded me of me.

Jerry and I were finally settled in our new home. We'd found the perfect four-bedroom house about twenty minutes away from mom. But after we bought it, it took some time to make it live-in worthy. It needed tons of work and approvals. And aside from that, Jerry and I had been back and forth between Miami and Grenada to settle the case doctor Fitza and Mrs. Steino. If wasn't for mom, I didn't know how we would have coped with Luca. She'd been a blessing.

Though the matter had been settled, I still felt unsatisfied. It was as if I did everything for a grain of salt—as if I'd been through the worst for absolutely nothing. When it started, I had filed a lawsuit against the hospital, naming Dr. Fitza as the person of interest. But since she was an independent doctor in the hospital, the hospital distanced themselves from it. Mrs. Steino, on the other hand, got away scot-free. Because I had assumptions and no physical evidence or a witness to confirm that Mrs. Steino was involved in the handling of the banned medication, Julian had advised me to not pursue it. The matter would have been tied up in court and would eventually be dismissed.

I hated the idea of her winning or getting away with what she did to me. I knew it was her, I just had no evidence. To make matters worst, doctor Fitza admitted guilt. She'd agreed with all the allegations and said she worked alone. Deep down in my gut, I knew she didn't work alone, I just knew it. Mrs. Steino probably struck a deal with her or something and it had to be a damn good one.

Six months after the first hearing, the court ruled for Dr. Fitza to pay four hundred and fifty thousand dollars for physical and emotional hardship. The reason for doctor Fitza's supposed poisoning was classified as a hate crime since she said she did it because she hated black people. I called bullshit on everything she told the court. She probably hated negros but that definitely had nothing to do with my poisoning. I just couldn't believe she sacrificed her entire career and racked up charges for Mrs. Steino. That bitch!

The day the matter had been settled, I affronted her, demanding the truth. And all she did was smile. Jerry and Julian had to escort me out of the courtroom to prevent me from hitting her. She and Mrs. Steino destroyed my life and got away with a slap on their wrists.

Eventually, I put the situation behind me and focused on my family. At times, the ordeal came to mind, but I always shook it off. I was grateful for Luca, even though the doctor said my chances were slim. I had more things to be happy for and I tried not to dwell on the past too much.

Jerry entered the kitchen and pecked my cheeks. "Are you going to check on mom today? She's asking for you."

I rolled my eyes. "No." The cocks hadn't crowed as yet and she was asking for me. "And how do you even know this?"

Jerry smiled and opened the refrigerator, taking the mug of lime juice from the top shelf. "Because she called me. She wants to see Luca."

"She called you already?" It was barely eight o'clock. I exhaled. "And she doesn't want to see Luca... well, yes, she does, but the only reason she's asking for me is that she wants me to set a date. That's all she cares about, and you know that."

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