Pilot: An Old Tune

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is a high school. Jack roams the halls with his name briefly appearing above his head with his japanese name underneath it)

Jack: Well, looks like it's time to get going.

(Jack leaves the school premises, and Jack notices something shining in the bushes)

Jack: Huh? What's that?

(Jack slowly approaches the shiny object, and grips it. When Jack completely pulls the object out of the bush, he analyzes it)

Jack: Hm...

(The object in question resembles a cross between a dagger and a flute or a clarinet)

Jack: Wait a second...

(Jack begins to wield the weapon, and then he realizes what it is)

Jack: I've seen this in the "Super Sentai" series, I just can't think of the rangers...

(A familiar tune plays in Jack's mind, and it finally hits him!)

Jack: This is the zyusouken, the weapon of the dragonranger!

(Jack stows the weapon away and he quickly heads home to analyze it)

Jack: No way... This couldn't be a replica... This is the real thing!

(Jack then plays a random tune on the zyusouken, and the clarity of the music just about confirms that this is in fact the actual zyusouken the dragon ranger used, not some shoddy look-alike)

Jack: Now this is awesome.

(Suddenly a bolt of green lightning strikes Jack and knocks him unconscious! Setting changes to an all white space. Jack finds himself here)

Jack: Where am I?

(Suddenly a megazord approaches Jack. Much to his surprise the megazord doesn't tower over him as a megazord usually would; it's only a head taller than Jack)

Jack: Who or what are you?

Megazord: I am Daizyujin. I am not just an ordinary megazord.

Jack: I can sense that. If you were just an ordinary megazord one, you wouldn't be able to talk and two, you would be much, much taller than me.

Daizyujin: Very true. (His name, both english and japanese appear over his head)

Jack: May I inquire a deity like you has appeared before me?

Daizyujin: You may. You have a weapon that belongs to one of the zyurangers.

(Jack pulls out the zyusouken)

Jack: The dragonranger's zyusouken I may assume.

Daizyujin: Yes. It has fallen into evil hands before.

Jack: Ah.

Daizyujin: I trust you to make sure that it does not fall into evil hands again, for a certain force has made itself known in your area.

Jack: Oh?

Daizyujin: Yes. I am not sure who or what though. With my mentoring, I choose you to be the next dragonranger.

Jack: Me?

Daizyujin: Yes you. When you picked up the zyusouken, the original zyurangers sensed that it had a new wielder and analyzed your backstory. I felt that you would be a good choice as the new dragonranger as our previous one sadly isn't in heaven with his allies.

Jack: Aw... But I understand the new responsibilities that have been set forth. I shall continue in his mantle, and become a guardian.

(Jack shakes the megazord's hand as the setting changes back to Jack's home. He wakes up with newfound knowledge, and to find that the zyusouken is gone!)

Jack: Huh?

Daizyujin: (voice) Fear not. I will hold the weapon until you call for it.

Jack: I understand.

Daizyujin: (voice) You will initially be limited to just the zyusouken, but as life progresses, you will be able to unlock more of the dragonranger's powers until finally, you receive his dragon buckler and don his armor.

Jack: I see. It's time for justice to purify what evil has purged my homeland.

(Jack heads offscreen)

[Credits Play]

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