Episode 21: Viva La Vida

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is outside school. Daizyujin fights off numerous talonmen with the god horn, decapitating every single one of them as he does so)

Daizyujin: That will deal with you!

(Meanwhile on the ground, Chris, Lavinia, Holly, Dustin, Sara, Madison and Nolyn fight off more human sized talonmen, kicking their butts every single time)

Lavinia: Eat my arrows!

(The team manages to dispose of the talonmen and scene breaks to Francisco's location. He is currently experimenting with Luis' monster marbles)

Francisco: This could be interesting.

(Francisco throws this marble down and it explodes! Wild Manimal Ban-Diego stands valiant, with his name appearing in english and japanese, alongside a companion, a giant man-eating jaguar)

Ban-Diego: Let's see what I can do about this...

(Ban-Diego heads outside where his jaguar companion takes a hiding spot, where the zyurangers will be struck the hardest. The team heads out and confronts Ban-Diego)

Chris: This should be easy! He looks unarmed.

Ban-Diego: Oh really?

(Ban-Diego's jaguar pounces and claws away at the zyurangers! The team quickly goes down and the jaguar returns to Ban-Diego)

Chris: You won't stop us that easily!

Chris, Lavinia, Madison, Sara and Nolyn: DINO BUCKLER!!!!

(The team transforms into the mighty zyurangers! Ban-Diego sics his jaguar on them once again)

Ban-Diego: Have a taste of my companion's power!

(The jaguar claws away the zyurangers and Ban-Diego takes off the backpack that's been sitting on his back. He pulls out a big grenade and throws it at the zyurangers. His jaguar quickly makes way as the grenade explodes and forcibly demorphs the zyurangers)

Ban-Diego: Hah! Pathetic.

(Holly and Dustin ambush Ban-Diego and kill his jaguar with a few shots from the ranger slingers!)

Ban-Diego: My jaguar! Now you'll pay!

(Ban-Diego charges at Holly and Dustin, who simply fire their ranger slingers again, destroying the dezomonster for now)

Holly: That'll deal with him, for now.

(The only thing that remains of Ban-Diego, is his backpack. It suddenly gains a life of it's own and sucks in Holly and Dustin!)

Lavinia: HOLLY!!!

Chris: DUSTIN!!!

(Scene changes to inside the backpack. It's a dark world full of corpses and dead bodies. Holly and Dustin faceplant and when they get back up, Ban-Diego makes his reappearance, along with several jaguars)

Ban-Diego: Welcome to my special hell.

(The jaguars all charge at Holly and Dustin. Too many to take out with the ranger slingers, the jaguars overwhelm the two and not too long after, Holly and Dustin have fallen to their knees)

Ban-Diego: Had enough? Your friends are nowhere near to help you. You two, are all alone.

(Holly hugs Dustin)

Ban-Diego: And it's time that I did away with you two.

(Ban-Diego whips out a strange knife that overall resembles a familiar weapon...)

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