Episode 8: Power Crazy

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is outside of the school. Gouryuuzin is currently dealing with giant talonmen)

Jack: Man, when will these guys learn? You will never win against the zyurangers!

Madison: Maybe we need to knock some sense into them.

(Gouryuuzin takes his dragon antler staff and knocks a talonman uptop the head, bringing the minion to his knees before it explodes)

Sara: Let's just finish these guys off. I've grown tired of their antics.

(Gouryuuzin drops his staff and starts going Bruce Lee on the talonmen, sending them all flying before they explode. Scene breaks to zyuranger headquarters where a distressed Daizyujin speaks with the team)

Daizyujin: I think I have found the other two dino medals!

Jack: Where are they? Or should I ask, who holds them?

Daizyujin: I'm afraid you're about to find out.

(Explosions rock the headquarters! Jack and company transform and head outside. Lavinia and Chris stand before them, their names appearing above them in english and japanese. In their hands are the pteranger and tyrannoranger dino medals respectively)

Jack: Daizyujin, I can confirm your fears. They are in evil hands...

Lavinia: They're not in evil hands you know that?

Chris: They are in rightful hands!

(Lavinia and Chris force their hands up as the dino medals begin to shine! Chris' zyuranger suit is a crimson red as opposed to the original bright red, and his visor resembes a pair of T-Rex jaws. Lavinia's suit is a deep purple instead of the original bright pink, and her visor resembles a jagged heart)



(The namesake legendary weapons descend into their hands. The sword has been transformed into a broadsword, and the bow and arrow has been transformed into a flame-shaped bow, and blue-flame tipped arrows! They have been corrupted by something, but what?)

Jack: We gotta do something and fast!

Sara: Let's take them out!

(Jack and company charge, with Jack and Nolyn fighting Chris and Sara and Madison fighting Lavinia)

Jack: Take this!

(Jack swings at Chris multiple times before taking a few slashes and being kicked into Nolyn)

Chris: Not even close!

(Lavinia fights Sara and Madison and is soundly kicking their butts)

Lavinia: Hope you like showers! OF ARROWS THAT IS!

(Lavinia fires a barrage of flaming arrows, and the blue blazes hit Sara and Madison hard! In the end, all four zyurangers are piled on top of one another and are forcibly demorphed as the evil zyurangers taunt them relentlessly)

Lavinia: You guys are worthless!

Chris: We shall see that your "mentor" Daizyujin is dealt with.

(The two take their leave)

Jack: Damn!

(The team recollects themselves and they all head back to headquarters. Daizyujin reappears, shocked at their injuries)

Daizyujin: Someone needs to call a hospital!

(Very quickly the zyurangers are taken to a hospital where they are all treated for their injuries. Jack comes back to the headquarters with an eyepatch and crutches. Madison and Sara emerge with similar injuries and Nolyn has a broken arm put in a cast)

Nolyn: Man, I didn't think we were gonna be that roughed up.

Jack: Well, we gotta find a way to get the dino medals back or turn them to the side of good.

Daizyujin: Well, the most we can do is make sure that they aren't terrorizing your peers again.

Jack: Point made.

(Jack and company exit the safety of their headquarters and not surprisingly encounter Lavinia and Chris again)

Lavinia: Back for more eh?!

Chris: Well you're not gonna defeat us! Not while we stand in your way!

Jack: Oh yeah?! DRAGON BUCKLER!

Sara, Madison and Nolyn: DINO BUCKLER!

(The four transform into the zyurangers!)

Jack: Zyusouken!

Sara, Madison and Nolyn: Legendary weapons! Descend upon us!

(Everyone receives their weapons and does battle! The evil zyurangers start to take a beating but nonetheless they continue to beat up the others with ease)

Lavinia: I'm getting tired of this. Let's finish them off!

Chris: With pleasure!

(The two evil zyurangers lash out and start beating the brains out of the zyurangers when the guardian beasts suddenly descend and Dragon Caesar makes his appearance!)

Jack: They've arrived!

Lavinia: So have ours!

(Guardian beast tyrannosaurus has been corrupted so much that he looks like a ceratosaurus and guardian beast pteranodon looks more like a rhamphorhynchus)

Jack: Well that's not good!

(Jack plays the same fiery tune he used to summon Dragon Caesar to give the command to attack! Dragon Caesar does battle with tyrannosaurus while zyumammoth, triceratops and sabertiger try to hit pteranodon, with little to no success)

Sara: They can't hit them!

Jack: That's not good!

(Tyrannosaurus lets out a flurry of flames from his mouth and pteranodon fires pink lightning, knocking out the guardian beasts as their equally evil companions knock out the other zyurangers)

Jack, Sara, Nolyn and Madison: GAH!!!

(The zyrangers are forcefully demorphed again and the guardian beasts are forced to return to heaven before the evil guardian beasts outright destroy them. Lavinia and Chris take their leave as Jack and company lay on the ground, critically wounded. The principal quickly arrives, shocked at what has happened)

Principal: We need a hospital! Again!

(Once again the zyurangers are taken to the hospital. This time though, their stay is longer)

Jack: Gah... Can't... Move...

Sara: It feels like... Every bone in my body has been broken...

Madison: Ugh... My aching everything...

Nolyn: I feel like... I got hit by a bulldozer or something...

(Daizyujin appears in a nearby TV, horrified at what has happened to his team)

Daizyujin: I don't believe it! Are you guys okay?!

Jack: I don't know...

Sara: I feel god awful...

Madison: Owowowow...

Nolyn: Gah... This hurts really bad...

Daizyujin: Rest for now. Ninjaman will take it from here.

(To be continued? appears on the screen)

[Credits Play]

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