Episode 2: Paparazzi

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is high school. Jack has gained much popularity since his first victory against whatever monster had decided to pick on the school, aka Mysterio. Jack, Sara and Madison are pursued by fellow peers with phones blazing)

Jack: Gah! Get away from us!

Sara: Are you guys the paparazzi or something?!

Madison: I don't want all this attention on me! Get lost!

(Jack and the girls manage to lose the students for a while as the school's security guard meets up with them)

Guard: I gotcha.

(Unfortunately students come in from the other end forcing Jack and company to flee once more)

Jack: Gah!

(Finally, the principal and the school's police officer emerge and halt the mad group of students in their tracks)

Officer: If you don't stop this, I will be forced to detain every single one of you.

Principal: You heard him. Leave, now!

(Jack takes a closer look at the group of students and realizes that their eyes are shimmering, a sign that they are not normal)

Jack: Wait a second, officer, don't do anything just yet. I think I sense something wrong with these guys...

(Jack opens his hand and the zyusouken materializes in a flash of green lightning)

Jack: I was taught a tune that could dispel various things, and this might fall into that category.

(Jack plays a fairly sorrow tune on the zyusouken that's maybe less than half a minute, and the students slowly return to their senses, the shimmering in their eyes slowly fading away. When Jack finishes playing, the students begin to ask among themselves why they're here and disband)

Sara: It worked!

Principal: Jack, you are indeed a man of many talents! How did you get ahold of that anyway?

Jack: I happened to discover it, and the backstory behind it.

Photoshop: Just the evidence I need!

Madison and Sara: Who said that?

(Half-human half-camera Photoshop emerges from around a corner, his name and description appearing under him)

Jack: Another one?! Who sent you?!

Photoshop: Same as the last guy you destroyed. We are part of the "Flaming Talon" syndicate!

Jack: Flaming Talon?

Photoshop: That's all I'm going to give you. Actually maybe not, I will also give you a flashy death!

(Photoshop lets out a burst of blinding light from his camera lens, stunning Jack and company before rushing in!)

Photoshop: BIG FLASH SMASH!!!

(Photoshop smacks Jack multiple times, fifty in under two seconds, before taking his flasher and smashing Jack dead in the face with it, sending him flying into a wall!)

Jack: GAH!!!

(Jack slowly pries himself off the wall and faceplants. Jack quickly gets back up and charges at Photoshop, but his zyusouken is just short of range and he can't land a hit on Photoshop without the monster blinding him constantly with his flash photography. Eventually Photoshop grows tired and simply picks up Jack before throwing him into Sara)

Jack and Sara: OW!

Photoshop: Seeya later loser!

(Scene breaks to Jack and Sara being treated for possible injuries in the nurse's office)

Nurse: You seem to have taken quite the beating from that monster.

Jack: I know. He's pretty rough.

(Daizyujin speaks to Jack through his mind)

Daizyujin: (voice) Looks like you could use a little upgrade. Enter a state of meditation and I can work on the zyusouken.

(Jack follows his megazord-sized mentor's orders, entering a meditative state as the zyusouken vanishes for now. When Jack exits the state the zyusouken reappears and Jack grips it)

Jack: Thank you.

(Jack and Sara leave the nurse's office and Jack tests out the new upgrade Daizyujin gave him)


(Jack whips the zyusouken around and the dagger becomes a long, elegant straightsword)

Jack: Now this is awesome!

Sara: Did your mentor give you this? I can't think of his name...

Jack: Daizyujin? Yeah, he's got quite a name.

(Suddenly Daizyujin begins speaking to Sara in a similar manner he did with Jack)

Daizyujin: (voice) Fear not. You and your friends will become more acquainted with me as time flies.

Sara: How'd he do that?

Jack: He watches over us. If trouble arises, he will know what to do. Now to find Photoshop and bust his paparazzo ass.

(The zyusouken is still in sword mode when Jack finds Photoshop, sneaks up on him and delivers a series of elegant, yet deadly slashes as the monster turns around too late! Jack damages Photoshop's camera lens, rendering him unable to use his stun attack!)

Photoshop: Oh no! My camera!

Jack: Now I don't have to worry about getting a pair of shades! Time to deal with you!

Sara: Don't leave me out of the action!

Jack: Are you sure you can take on this guy?

Sara: If I'm doing it alongside you then sure!

(Jack and Sara charge at Photoshop and Sara leaps clear over the monster before grabbing him from behind and flipping him over. Sara proceeds to piledrive Photoshop, stunning him so Jack can do something about him)

Jack: Let's see if I can make this as flashy as he'd like it...

Photoshop: Man... I think I'm seeing camera flashes... Are you guys fellow paparazzi?

Sara: Nope, it's my work. Prepare to be put in the spotlight!

Jack: That's right!

(Jack prepares the zyusouken for a flashy finish)

Jack: Night of the dragon! HYAAH!!!

(Jack charges at Photoshop and the setting turns pitch black! With every slash dealt to Photoshop, the scene illuminates the moment of each strike for just a few milliseconds before the scene finally brightens up with Jack performing the coup de grace on the monster!)

Photoshop: Though you may have defeated me, my work will forever be immortalized!

(Photoshop lets one one last scream of agony before he slumps and explodes!)

Jack: Ha! Talk about chump talk. Once a paparazzi is gone, so is his credibility and his pictures.

Sara: Well that finally dealt with him!

Jack: Now I can finally-

(A girl approaches Jack with a small notebook and pen)

Girl: Can I get your autograph?

(Sara laughs and Jack rolls his eyes jokingly as he takes the notebook and pen and gives the girl the signature she wants as they soon all burst into laughter)

[Credits Play]

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