Episode 17: Green No More

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is empty classroom. Fransisco and Luis work on a monster that will for sure defeat Jack, the one that created the zyuranger team)

Francisco: This guy's just such a pain in the butt!

Luis: Well, we need to find a way to destroy him for good, and I know just the way to do it.

(Luis whips out a ruby red ball)

Francisco: What's that?

Luis: Remember when Jack used the sword of Hellfriede for a while?

Francisco: Yeah? What about it?

(Francisco suddenly recognizes the ruby)

Francisco: That's the ruby from the blade!

Luis: Just what I need to create an all powerful being.

(Luis sets a marble next to the ruby, and the marble absorbs the powers of the cursed blade it was once set in. When the process completes, the ruby shatters into a trillion pieces)

Francisco: Perfect.

(Luis slams the marble down and the explosion creates a strange, knight-like dezomonster. Hellfriede's incarnation Darkblade stands valiant, with his name and description appearing below in english and japanese)

Darkblade: What do you ask of me?

Francisco: Destroy Jack.

(Francisco produces an image of Jack for Darkblade's reference)

Darkblade: Thank you. I will destroy him for you.

(Darkblade exits into the hallways where he finds a way to attract Jack's attention)

Darkblade: This will be fun.

(Darkblade starts showing off his skills with twin swords of Hellfriede, and It's not long before Jack and the other zyurangers arrive)

Jack: ...What?!

Lavinia: ...But that's...

Darkblade: Yes that's me!

Jack: He's got the sword of Hellfriede, no TWO swords!

Darkblade: I was made out of the blade itself. Now I will terrorize you with what your predecessor once used.

Jack: Bullcrap! You will not defeat me!

Darkblade: Just watch me.

(Darkblade slashes Jack, and then opens up a portal with another slash, sucking himself and Jack inside. Setting changes to a dark world)

Jack: Huh?! Where am I?

Darkblade: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

(A sword of Hellfriede materializes with no wielder, and it charges at Jack. Jack manages to fend it off with the zyusouken, but ends up taking multiple slashes!)

Jack: GAH!

(The sword of Hellfriede splits into two, then four, then six! All six blades surround Jack, who's defenseless against this many blades)

Jack: Oh no!

Darkblade: (voice) Now your nightmares will become a reality!

(The blades don't go after Jack, but several of his teammates materialize and many other blades materialize to go after them. Jack can only watch in sheer horror at bladepoint as the blades mutilate his friends in many different ways, and their screams fill Jack's ears)

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