Final Episode: Goodbye, Daizyujin

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is hallways. Francisco holds something very interesting...)

Francisco: Ah, this will mess with them quite a deal.

(Francisco holds the zyusouken, Jack's weapon, and his dragon buckler)

Francisco: Daizyujin must have dropped them, again...

(Scene breaks to zyuranger HQ. Daizyujin is very flustered)

Lavinia: What's wrong?

Daizyujin: I lost the dragon buckler AND the zyusouken!

Madison: What?!

Daizyujin: The armor Jack gave you though, you still have it.

Madison: That's a relief.

Chris: Come on! Let's head out there and see what's going on!

(The team rushes out and sees something horrifying)

Madison: ...No way...

Sara: This... Can't be happening...

Francisco: Oh yes this is happening!

(Francisco whips out Jack's dragon buckler)

Francisco: Daizyujin must have dropped this AND the zyusouken. Now they are MINE!

Nolyn: How DARE YOU!

Francisco: All your words are no bite!

Chris: I can't believe you did that!

Francisco: DRAGON BUCKLER!!!!!

(Francisco transforms into the dragonranger!)

Francisco: Warrior of power and evil! Dragonranger FRANCISCO!!!

Lavinia: What?!

Francisco: And I have something else up my sleeve! Good thing we preserved the ruby from when we made Darkblade!

(Francisco pulls out the sword of Hellfriede!)

Francisco: When we made Darkblade, the ruby that contained all the evil in it still survived. All it needed was a replica of the sword to be set in! Now the evil has been reborn once again!

Chris: Nonsense! That blade alone will not defeat us!

Chris, Lavinia, Nolyn, Sara and Madison: DINO BUCKLER!!!!

(The team transforms into the mighty zyurangers!)

Chris: Warrior of justice! Tyrannoranger CHRIS!

Lavinia: Warrior of love! Pteraranger LAVINIA!

Sara: Warrior of courage! Triceraranger SARA!

Madison: Warrior of hope! Tigerranger MADISON!

Nolyn: Warrior of wisdom! Mammothranger NOLYN!

Chris: Justice never dies! Not when we stand in evil's way!

Lavinia: Kyoryu sentai!

Chris, Lavinia, Nolyn, Sara and Madison: ZYURANGER!!!

Francisco: Hah! Even with all your powers combined, nothing is going to stop me!

Madison: But I have his armor!

Francisco: Wait what?!

(Francisco looks at his suit, and the golden armor that would usually be there is missing)

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