Part 19: Despair

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is zyuranger HQ)

Madison: I still can't believe he's dead...

Lavinia: I know. It's hard for all of us.

Daizyujin: He was the one that recreated the whole team, yet he was the first one to perish...

Chris: We can't let his death be in vain though. The flaming talon syndicate is still raging on, and we're the ones that are to stop it.

Madison: Yeah...

(Scene breaks to Dragon Caesar's building. Francisco and Luis stand with three guardian beast-like dino mechas. One resembles a styracosaurus, one resembles a mastodon, and another resembles a scimitar toothed cat)

Francisco: Dragon Caesar won't know what hit him.

Luis: As soon as he combines with zyumastodon, scimitarcat and styracosaurus, he will be under our control.

Francisco: Let this be our little "present" for the zyurangers.

(Fransisco and Luis sneak off, laughing their heads off. Chris and Lavinia enter and see the new guardian beasts)

Lavinia: This will come in handy.

(Scene breaks to outside the school. Three talonmen rage, forcing Daizyujin to come down and deal with them)

Daizyujin: Lavinia! Summon Dragon Caesar!

Lavinia: Alright! Will do!

(Lavinia plays the fiery crescendo used to summon the zord. The three guardian beasts that Fransisco and Luis left behind then come to life at the sound of the zyusouken!)

Lavinia: The guardian beasts! They've come to life!

Daizyujin: What the?! Guardian beasts?! I don't recall seeing any more of those guys!

(Zyumastodon, scimitarcat and styracosaurus forcibly combine with Dragon Caesar, giving rise to an evil incarnation of Gouryuuzin! Once Daizyujin takes out the talonmen, he goes after Gouryuuzin who immediately attacks the megazord in return)

Daizyujin: Dragon Caesar! Snap out of it!

(The red that made up Gouryuuzin's visor has turned black, and Gouryuuzin strikes Daizyujin in the face with his dragon antler staff. Daizyujin begins seeing pterodactyls fly around his head)

Daizyujin: Oh the gods... Help... Me... I've fallen and... Can't get up...

(Daizyujin falls on his back, too dizzy to get back up. Scene breaks to Fransisco bringing out his apache revolvers and beating the crap out of Lavinia)

Francisco: I will be taking that!

(Francisco manages to steal the zyusouken! He runs off and starts playing it, having analyzed the songs Jack plays to control Dragon Caesar. Gouryuuzin mounts Daizyujin and begins punching the megazord's brains out)

Daizyujin: Ow! Hey! Is this your form of payback for when I assaulted you that one time?! I'm sorry!

(Gouryuuzin is not looking for sincerity. Gouryuuzin gets off, picks up Daizyujin and hurls him, just like the megazord did to Dragon Caesar. Daizyujin tumbles about before landing on his face)

Daizyujin: Ow my face!

Francisco: Alright, alright, that's enough for now.

(Francisco plays the tune to calm down Dragon Caesar and Gouryuuzin stands over the dazed Daizyujin disapprovingly)

Francisco: Ha! This was as easy as taking candy from a baby! You kill Jack, the whole team falls!

(Francisco speaks too soon. A giant Ninjaman attacks Gouryuuzin)

Francisco: Oh shoot!

(Francisco plays the zyusouken again, and Gouryuuzin starts beating up Ninjaman. Ninjaman quickly gets decked and Gouryuuzin picks up his dragon antler staff, setting it to drill a hole straight through Ninjaman)

Lavinia: Oh no!

(Francisco continues to play as Gouryuuzin bores a hole through Ninjaman's head, effectively killing him as he explodes into nothingness. Francisco stops playing and laughs)

Francisco: HA HA HA!!! You are no match for me!

Madison: This guy is ruthless!

Daizyujin: NINJAMAN!!!

(With another ally down, Gouryuuzin stands over Daizyujin, ready to annihilate the megazord, when lightning strikes off in the distance, and King Brachion saves Daizyujin by blasting Gouryuuzin with a couple cannon shots. Gouryuuzin goes down, and Daizyujin finally gets back up and rides King Brachion)

Daizyujin: We need to find a way to get Dragon Caesar back on our side!

Lavinia: Wait, the zyusouken!

(Lavinia and company looks towards Francisco, who's playing said weapon, but King Brachion is pummeling Gouryuuzin with cannon fire, and can't move much)

Madison: Daizyujin! Keep it up! I'm gonna try and steal it back! DINO BUCKLER!

(Madison morphs, complete with Jack's golden armor as she whips out her saber daggers and charges at Francisco)

Madison: Shadow screen slash!

(The background becomes covered by a screen with Francisco's shadow standing in the middle of the whole thing. Madison dashes and slashes from multiple angles until Francisco is sent flying through the screen! Scene breaks to Francisco losing his grip on the zyusouken and Madison catching it)

Madison: Lavinia!

(Madison throws the zyusouken to Lavinia)

Lavinia: Dragon Caesar! Snap out of it!

(Lavinia plays the fiery crescendo, and Daizyujin and King Brachion stop firing. Gouryuuzin's visor slowly returns to it's normal red color, and he puts down his dragon antler staff)

Lavinia: Dragon Caesar is back on our side again!

(Daizyujin gets off of King Brachion and approaches Gouryuuzin)

Daizyujin: But what are we going to do with those guardian beasts he's combined with? I'm not sure if I can tame them...

Francisco: GodDAMN IT! I'm out of here!

(Francisco storms off in defeat)

Lavinia: I don't know...

(Suddenly, Gouryuuzin falls apart, and Dragon Caesar lands on his feet. Styracosaurus, zyumastodon and scimitarcat all charge at Daizyujin, only for the megazord to manhandle the guardian beasts and destroy them)

Daizyujin: There, problem solved.

Chris: I had an odd feeling that they were bad to the bone.

(Scene breaks to Zyuranger HQ. Dragon Caesar is back in his building getting some well desired rest. Holly, Dustin and company all lounge around)

Daizyujin: So Madison, are you okay?

Madison: I think I am. I think Chris helped me out in a sense. I mean, Jack was my boyfriend and all, but that can't stop me from doing my duty as a zyuranger.

Daizyujin: I'm glad you understand. He will be missed by all of us. And now Ninjaman is probably accompanying him.

Sara: Will this madness ever end?

Chris: The next time Francisco and Luis make their appearances, it's gonna be their last. Who's with me?!

(The zyurangers cheer)

Daizyujin: That's the spirit I'm looking for!

Chris: Hey, I've always been one to rally the crowd.

(The zyurangers then group up to format a plan)

[Credits Play]

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