Episode 13: Unlocked

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is hallway. Holly uses her new ranger stick and thunder slinger to deal with the talonmen that are roaming the halls)

Holly: Take this!

(Holly fires the thunder slinger and destroys a talonman in one shot before putting the ranger stick into sword mode by giving it a flick, causing a blade to shoot out into place. Holly proceeds to hack and slash the remaining talonmen before firing the thunder slinger multiple times to finish them off)

Holly: That's how you do it!

(Holly heads back to zyuranger HQ where the other zyurangers lay lazily on the couches as Daizyujin rests on the clouds of heaven, able to view what's going on through the TV he's appeared in)

Jack: All of our schoolwork is done, any tests we may have needed studying for are done, now what? We haven't encountered any dezomonsters yet.

Holly: Then what do we do?

Dustin: I guess we just slack off until one comes around. Even Daizyujin knows what I'm talking about.

Daizyujin: Definitely.

(Holly examines the ranger stick and puts it in gun mode. Then she takes her thunder slinger and attaches it behind the ranger gun)

Daizyujin: That's the ranger slinger. You and Dustin together can take out a dezomonster in one shot with those.

Dustin: That's cool.

Holly: Hey Jack, how come you can't combine your zyusouken with anything?

Jack: I actually don't know. I mean I usually fought alone so I never saw any use of combining it with another weapon. Plus I used the zyusouken without the dragon buckler so I was used to it.

Daizyujin: The zyurangers can only access their weapons if they are transformed. Jack is an exception mostly because he discovered the zyusouken here on earth. I thought I had lost it somewhere in heaven, and then I sensed a new owner, which just so happened to be Jack.

Jack: And then I fought tons of dezomonsters on my own, and life has progressed to where we are now, a whole new team of zyurangers.

Daizyujin: The original team, save Jack's predecessor, is up in heaven with me. They are the ones that send the guardian beasts down to earth.

Lavinia: If you're all transformed there, how come you don't just make your way down yourself?

Daizyujin: I am a deity. The guardian beasts are simply my physical manifestation, though like you saw last time they can be sent down already in my invocation.

Madison: I'm sorry what?

Daizyujin: They can send the guardian beasts down already combined is what I'm saying. I dearly apologize for confusing you.

(The HQ rumbles)

Daizyujin: A dezomonster!

Jack: Let's go team!

(As soon as the team heads outside, Forbidden Sensation Poppy is seen, her name and description appear below her in english and japanese)

Poppy: I am Poppy. I see that you are my opposition.

Jack: Just what is this gal?

(Poppy reveals a fairly large tamarind, and opens the top. the dino medals are sucked in, leaving the zyurangers unable to transform)

Poppy: This will take care of you.

Chris: Damn! We can't transform and get our weapons!

(Jack, Holly and Dustin start laughing)

Poppy: What incurs such laughter?

Jack: When you took the medals, you only took away these guys' powers. (Pointing to Chris, Lavinia, Madison, Sara and Nolyn)

Poppy: And?

Jack: I didn't have a medal to start with.

Holly and Dustin: And we were never given medals.

Jack, Holly and Dustin: You still have us to deal with.


(Green lightning strikes Jack's hand and the zyusouken materializes! Dustin and Holly whip out their ranger sticks and whip out the blade for sword mode)

Poppy: Uh oh. I did not anticipate this.

Holly: Of course you didn't. Jack, boo, let's take this girl down.

(Jack, Holly and Dustin all charge and slash away at Poppy before they retreat to catch some breath)

Poppy: You will not defeat me.

Jack: Oh yeah?

(Holly and Dustin create the thunder slingers in preparation of a final attack)


(Jack charges at Poppy and doles out three slashes in the fashion of a three claw swipe)

Holly and Dustin: DOUBLE SHOOT!

(Jack dodges out of the way as two beams of energy are fired out of the ranger slingers, sending Poppy out the window! Poppy is merely unfazed by the impact)

Poppy: That did not harm me. Now I will become giant.

(Poppy takes out some poppy seeds and eats them. She quickly becomes giant-sized and Jack goes to play for Dragon Caesar to come out, but Ninjaman also grows giant, beating him to the punch)

Jack: Well, we'll just let Ninjaman deal with him.

Ninjaman: Sorry you guys haven't seen me lately! I've been busy!

(Ninjaman charges at Poppy and the two trade blows)

Poppy: I will defeat you.

Ninjaman: Like you will!

(Poppy manages to sweep Ninjaman to the ground before landing an axe kick on him. Poppy leaps back and taunts Ninjaman)

Poppy: I knew I would beat you, ao nisai.

(Holly, Dustin and the zyurangers' mouths drop. Insert record scratch here))

Holly: She did NOT just say that...

Jack: Yes... She just did...


(Ninjaman leaps back on to his feet and furiously points at Poppy)

Ninjaman: AO NISAI?!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Poppy: Uh oh...

(Ninjaman transforms into Samuraiman!)


(Samuraiman charges at Poppy with a battle cry and pulls out his javelin, slashing Poppy multiple times)


Poppy: Ow! Ow! Ow!

Samuraiman: AND SOME OF THESE!!!

(Samuraiman kicks Poppy away so he can finish her off)

Samuraiman: SAMURAI RAGING SLASH!!!!!!!

(Samuraiman charges and slashes Poppy twice, slicing her clean in half as she explodes! Samuraiman transforms back into Ninjaman and he does a little victory dance)

Ninjaman: Huh? What's that?

(Ninjaman picks up Poppy's tamarind container and breaks it open. The dino medals come flying out and they return to their rightful owners, with Chris and Lavinia getting a surprise)

Lavinia: My medal looks like new again!

Chris: So does mine!

Daizyujin: (voice) It looks like the tamarind has reset the properties of the dino medals! Now you can transform freely like your fellow rangers!

(The team celebrates in this fact)

[Credits Play]

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