Episode 4: Love Kills

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is high school. Flaming Talon Leader Francisco and Flaming Talon Keeper Luis are seen in an empty classroom cultivating a plan to terrorize the school yet again. Their names and descriptions appear below them in english and japanese)

Francisco: Looks like we've got some heroes that are looking to stop us.

Luis: We can't let that happen can we?

Francisco: Luis, do your work.

Luis: On it.

(Luis whips out a small marble. He sets it in a small beaker and pours various liquids on it. The marble absorbs every single drop of it, and the marble has clearly changed color)

Luis: Alright, Parcha, time for you to rise!

(Luis slams the marble on the ground and it explodes! When the smoke clears, Dark Lover Parcha stands before Fransisco, her name and description appear below in english and japanese)

Parcha: What may I do for you?

Francisco: Terrorize the school like those before you have, and mess around with this guy here.

(Francisco pulls up Jack's photo)

Parcha: Alright.

(Scene breaks to Jack and Madison walking around the halls)

Madison: So we all just got acquainted with Ninjaman... What now?

Jack: I don't know. I know that he will come when trouble arises, and I haven't seen him yet.

(Parcha sneaks around the corner and spots Jack and Madison)

Parcha: Time to do something.

(Parcha takes up a disguise, becoming a human girl, before approaching Jack and Madison)

Jack: Sup?

Parcha: Oh nothing. Want something to eat?

Jack: I am getting kinda hungry yea.

Parcha: Here, for you and the lady?

(Parcha hands out two passion fruits to Jack and Madison)

Madison: Thank you!

Jack: Thanks, but no thanks. I'm allergic.

Parcha: Aw... I'm sorry.

Madison: I'll take the other one, I love how sweet these taste!

Jack: You've had these before?

Madison: Of course I have silly.

Parcha: Hope to see you two again!

(Parcha takes her leave as Madison and Jack head to class)

Madison: Where's a knife when you need it?

(Madison fishes through her purse and pulls out a plastic knife. It's flimsy but it provides enough of a cutting edge to slice the passion fruits in half)

Madison: Humph, these smell funny. Oh well.

(Madison eats both passion fruits and discards the outsides. When class is dismissed, Jack and Madison wait for the class to clear out so they can leave without a hassle. Jack begins to leave, but Madison grabs his arm and pulls him into her)

Jack: What? Madison are you okay?

Madison: I... I love you!

Jack: EH?!

Madison: Come here!

(Madison grabs the back of Jack's head and pulls him in for a kiss. Jack flails his arms in an attempt to get away, but Madison is suddenly too strong for Jack to break away from)

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