Episode 18: Short

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is lapseless room. Jack materializes with Clotho in this room)

Jack: Huh? Where am I? And whoa re you?

Clotho: I am the spirit of life, Clotho.

Jack: I recall being killed by Darkblade. What is the meaning of this?

Clotho: I have been asked to revive you with a limited life force.

Jack: Ah. How may I know how much is left?

(Clotho reveals a green candle)

Clotho: When you are in this room, time will not pass for you. When you exit, the candle will begin to melt. When it's completely burned out, your life force will be gone with it.

Jack: I understand.

Clotho: Your predecessor did not take it as well as you did. I appreciate that.

Jack: I guess I will literally have to use my time wisely.

(Clotho giggles as she vanishes. Jack notices that his zyusouken and dragon buckler are gone)

Jack: Heh. If anything, either Daizyujin has them or Madison picked them up. Let me see...

(Jack closes his eyes and projects a mental image of zyuranger HQ. He is teleported there, and scene cuts to zyuranger HQ where Daizyujin, Madison and company await Jack's revival)

Daizyujin: Any second now...

(Jack appears in a flash of white light!)

Madison: BABE!!!

(Madison jumps into Jack's arms and kisses him passionately, much to Daizyujin's amusement)

Daizyujin: It's good to see that your boyfriend is back.

Madison: I know!

Jack: Well, I only have so long, so where's Darkblade?

(Clotho appears to clarify)

Clotho: He only has twenty-four hours  worth of life force, so he must use it wisely.

Madison: Noooooo, Jack! You're only here for so long?!

Jack: My body was incinerated by that explosion. That's the longest she can revive me for. We can only appreciate the fact that she was even able to do this.

Daizyujin: Well, we can't waste it can we?

Jack: I guess this will give me enough time to beat up Darkblade and say goodbye when we've kicked his ass.

(Everyone laughs)

Daizyujin: Well, go find Darkblade and get your revenge on him before you run out of life force and die again.

Jack: Don't worry, we'll have him beat in no time. Clotho, warn me when I have a few minutes left.

Clotho: Will do.

(Jack receives his dragon buckler and the team rushes out into the halls to see that Darkblade awaits them)

Darkblade: No way... Jack?! Back?!

Jack: Only for so long though, but it's still enough time to kick your butt! Let's go team!

Chris: Right!


Nolyn, Chris, Sara, Lavinia and Madison: DINO BUCKLER!!!

(The zyurangers transform!)

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