Episode 15: Stick It To The Ranger

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[Intro Plays]

(Setting is hallways. Jack and Holly walk around the halls with their weapons at the ready)

Jack: Alright, let's see if any dezomonsters want to pick a fight with us.

Holly: Well, only one way to find out.

(Big Slimer Mr. Krazy makes his appearance, with his name and description appearing below in english and japanese, and fires off a glob of glue!)

Mr. Krazy: I've caught you now!

(Jack's hand gets glued to Holly's, and they can't pull their hands apart! The end result makes it look like Jack and Holly are holding hands)

Holly: What the?!

Jack: Oh Dustin better not get any ideas!

Mr. Krazy: Stuck? Let me help you out!

(Mr. Krazy fires another glob, but Jack and Holly dodge, and it glues a girl's feet to the floor!)

Jack: Alright enough of this!

(Jack fires off a blast of green lightining from the zyusouken, but it barely scratches Mr. Krazy)

Mr. Krazy: I don't want to stick around for too long though!

(Mr. Krazy takes his leave as the girl he glued to the ground earlier still struggles to escape from the glop, with little to no success)

Jack: Here, let us help you. At least we can still move.

(The two successfully pull the girl out of the mess and Jack and Holly head to zyuranger HQ where everyone receives a shock at what has happened)

Dustin: Babe! What happened?!

Holly: This dezomonster glued my hand to Jack's, and then glued this girl to the floor. She got out though.

(Holly and Jack try to pull their hands apart fruitlessly)

Dustin: Well that's not good.

Jack: Don't get any ideas Dustin.

Dustin: I'm not, don't worry! Sheesh you're always jumping to conclusions.

(Daizyujin appears in a TV, humored at the situation)

Daizyujin: I've never seen a monster like that in my life! Maybe except for a couple of spider monsters, but nothing like this.

Jack: Well, all we can do is try to defeat the monster, and I don't think I can transform with Holly stuck to me.

Holly: I wouldn't try it if I were you. I don't know what will happen if you do.

Daizyujin: Jack, Holly, you guys stay here. The rest of the team will try and deal with this monster.

Chris: You heard him! Let's go!

Chris, Lavinia, Madison, Sara and Nolyn: DINO BUCKLER!!!

(The zyurangers transform and head outside, leaving Jack and Holly to continue to try and pull their hands apart)

Holly: Now how the hell did your fingers get intertwined with mine? This only makes it tougher.

Jack: I have no idea. Let's keep trying.

(Scene breaks to the other zyurangers trying to fight Mr. Krazy, and failing because their weapons briefly get stuck to his body with every hit)

Mr. Krazy: Now let me show you what I can really do!!!

(Scene breaks to Jack and Holly still trying to pull their hands apart with Daizyujin trying his best not to laugh. Suddenly the camera shakes violently and Jack, Holly and Daizyujin cringe as loud crashing sounds are heard and when the sounds and shaking stop, the zyurangers are thrown into the HQ. The camera shakes even more and Jack, Holly and Daizyujin cringe even more as some of the loudest crashing sounds can be heard. Scene breaks to the other zyurangers, demorphed and dizzy, all piled up on one another)

Daizyujin: It sounds like things did not go well.

Jack and Holly: We'd like to think that...

(The zyurangers group up around Jack and Holly)

Dustin: I think our main priority at the moment, is to separate Jack and Holly. If we fight him as an entire team, then that monster won't stand a chance.

Holly: Just don't break our hands babe.

(Sara, Madison and Lavinia grab Jack, and Nolyn, Chris and Dustin grab Holly)

Nolyn: On the count of three: one, two, THREE!!!

(The zyurangers start pulling!)

Lavinia: Come on! Just a little more!

Sara: Almost!

(A few seconds of pulling later, Jack and Holly finally separate! The glue that once held the two together disintegrates and Jack and Holly land on their team members)

Jack: That did it!

Holly: Thank god!

(The zyurangers get back up, and they head outside to see Ninjaman getting beat up by Mr. Krazy)

Mr. Krazy: Ha! There's no way you'll beat me ao nisai.

(The zyurangers' mouths drop. Insert record scratch)

Madison, Sara and Lavinia: Uh oh...

Ninjaman: You did not just!

(Ninjaman points at Mr. Krazy furiously)

Ninjaman: AO NISAI?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

(Ninjaman transforms into Samuraiman!)


Holly: Not again!

Dustin: Not here!


(Samuraiman charges up a ball of pure rage and throws it at Mr. Krazy. Upon impact the dezomonster is sent out the door and explodes!)


(Samuraiman transforms back as Fransisco sticks a lighting rod where Mr. Krazy perished. Lightning strikes the rod and Mr. Krazy is revived as a giant)

Jack: Let me take care of this guy. I'm afraid Daizyujin will get stuck to him.

(Jack whips out the zyusouken)


(Jack plays the fiery crescendo to awaken Dragon Caesar, and the dragon zord emerges from the building he resides in. Dragon Caesar lets out a mighty roar to announce his presence, and Mr. Krazy turns around to face him)

Mr. Krazy: So you have come to face me huh? Tough luck. You won't be able to stick around when I beat you!

Jack: Does this guy ever stop making puns?

(Dragon Caesar facepalms and fires off a barrage of finger missiles, and they all stick to Mr. Krazy)

Mr. Krazy: Huh? Why aren't they exploding?

Jack: Wait... I think Dragon Caesar's got an idea.

(The dragon zord fires off some more missiles until Mr. Krazy is covered head to toe with the little rockets. Mr. Krazy's adhesive powers are clearly working against him)

Mr. Krazy: What- they won't come off!

Holly: Oh NOW I see what he's doing!

(Just as Holly realizes this, Dragon Caesar's chest plate lights flicker, and the rockets detonate! The combined explosion obliterates Mr. Krazy and sends glue everywhere)

Jack: Incoming!

(Dragon Caesar somehow avoids the blast by projecting a force field around him, but sadly for his companion, Jack, Madison and Sara get glued together)

Jack: Not this again!

Holly: Looks like we gotta unstick you three.

(The team heads off to do so)

[Credits Play]

Zyuranger: A Legend RecoveredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora