"I don't think anything moved," I frown, "it's pitch black. I can't see anything at all."

"I'm telling you, something moved!" She repeats, a little too loudly for my liking.

I put a finger to my lips to remind her to be quiet, but she doesn't pay attention and instead grabs the keyboard and trackpad for herself. She somehow manages to brighten the screen, which reveals two tall grey shapes which are indeed moving.

"Holy fuck," I gasp, "what if they're people? What if it's the cops, we could go home!"

Another figure drops from the ceiling, making a total of three figures. I can't figure out which room this is, so I can't go there to ask for help. If only the cameras were labelled.

For some reason, I notice how dry my eyes feel. No matter how much I blink, they feel the same, but it's probably because it's one am and my body isn't used to staying up until this hour.

"Kyle, are you okay?" Annie asks, "you look really pale."

I nod, but then shake my head. Am I okay? My head does feel fuzzy now that I think about it, and the room seems to be spinning slightly.

"I'm fine, just figure out where that room is." I tell her, grabbing the edge of the desk to try and stop myself from falling over.

She raises an eyebrow at me, but continues messing around with the screen brightness and different cameras. It's like she's done something like this before.

"It's definitely the room we wake up in," she mutters, "but I can't find any other cameras in the same room to get a better image quality. It's all gross, like a Snapchat taken on an android."

"So this is the best we're going to get?" I frown, looking back at the brightened image.

She nods.

Suddenly, a notification brightens up the screen of the other computer.
Annie turns to that computer and clicks on the notification. It takes her to what I assume is Stan's email account.

"'Stanley, here are the files on the victim you requested. He's quite shy so I couldn't get as close as I wanted, but I know where he lives and his current living situation. He's perfect for your place. Take care of him when he arrives.'," She reads out, "that's creepy. Is that how all of us got here?"

"Click on the file."

She opens up the file and it brings her to something similar to what I saw earlier. Photographs of a small blond boy who is unaware of his photographer are accompanied by photographs of what I can assume is his house.
One of the photos of his house shows the kitchen, where a tall man is yelling at the boy, who looks terrified.

"Do you know him?" I ask Annie, just in case.

She shakes her head.

"Even if I did, I doubt I'd remember him. My memories are scrambled."

I look back at all of the photos to try and spark some kind of memory, but nothing comes to mind. He must just be some random kid Stan has his eyes on.

"Who sent the email?" I ask, "it could help us."

Annie goes back to the email and checks the email address.

"TheKDog69CreampieGuy." She reads, sounding slightly confused and intrigued at the same time.

I have to bite my lip to contain my laughter at the idiotic email address. Who in their right mind would actually have that as an email address?

"I don't know anybody who would even consider making an email like that," I tell her, "and I'm guessing you're don't since you're twelve."

"Do you know how dirty minded kids are these days?" She scoffs.

My grip on the table tightens as my head starts pounding.
Annie stares at me as I try and keep to my feet, unsure of what to do.

"Kyle, Kyle what are you doing?" She is obviously panicking, "are you okay?"

I shake my head, which is the last thing I do before I pass out.

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