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"Brycie! I thought you got lost." she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"I'm still here Lin Lin, I'm not leaving you, never." he hugged back and placed his head on hers. "Sorry I'm late, my bus left sooner than usual. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again." he squeezed her one last time.

"It's fine, just call if it happens again." she kissed his cheek, "it was 5 more minutes without you and I almost died scared and I missed you so much." they intertwined their fingers, as they took each other's hand and walked to their classroom.

"When are we going to tell our parents?" Bryce asked her, as they sat down on the chairs.

"Tomorrow, I promise tomorrow we'll tell them."

"Thanks, it was becoming hard to find an excuse for me to meet you every day." he pecked her lips.

The teacher came in: "Today I want you to write me any story you can come up with, just make it look possible." everybody took out a piece of paper and a pen.

"What are you writing about?" Linny asked him.

"How we met and how I fell in love with you." she smiled at him and tilted her head slightly aside. "You can't be any cuter." he smiled back at her.

"And you can't be any nicer." they looked at each other for a second, then got back to writing. Soon the bell rang and everyone else left. They took their work and handed it to the teacher.

"Are you done already? Are you sure, you don't want to take it home and work on it?"

"I'm sure, everything I wanted to write I already wrote and what's not in there is not important." Bryce said without a second thought.

"Same here." Linny smiled at him and they walked out of the classroom together. "That sounded so romantic, I can't even believe it." her smile wasn't fading away.

"Anything for my princess. All I want for you is to be happy, no matter what would it be." Bryce got shoved up against the wall. Linny just watched as one of the quarterbacks was yelling at her boyfriend, not being able to help. Another boy came and got his arms around her. "Linny!" Bryce shouted as he saw it.

"I'm saying something to you, don't stop me ever again." Bryce earned a few punches to his stomach. "Did you learn your lesson today?"

"I have nothing to learn from you." Bryce yelled earning another pack of punches and kicks. The boys left and Bryce fell to the floor.

"Oh my... Are you okay, Brycie?" Linny ran and knelt beside him. She saw blood running down his face, from his eyebrows and lips.

"I'll be fine Lin Lin, don't worry." he smiled and tried to sit up. The pain paralyzed him, as it ran from his ribs to every corner of his body. He winced in pain and laid back down. "Just give me a second. Go to class. I'll come as soon as I can, don't be late." she giggled sadly.

"Even when you're hurt everywhere, you care if I'm not late, really? I'm not leaving you here. Come on, let's sit." she helped him sit up and sat down beside him. "Where does it hurt the most?" she was so grateful that he was alive, because of one of the worst cases - the kid didn't make it.

"Now it hurts everywhere, but I'll be fine. Where's my phone? I can call mom and she'll come for us. I won't leave you here, not alone." she handed him his phone. Bryce dialed one of the last numbers and waited. "Hey, I just wanted to ask if you could come to pick us up. A few kids attacked us and I got kicked everywhere."

"Try dad I just got to work. I'm sorry I can't come. Hope you'll be fine till I'll come Brycie."

"Okay, mom. See you later." he hung up and dialed the fourth number under it. "Hey dad, mom said she's at work, so I'm calling you. Can you come for us?"

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