11 ☑️

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There was knocking on the door of Jessica's house. When Jessica opened it, her eyes widened. "How can I help you?" She rubbed her eyes, making sure, she was not dreaming anymore.

"How about giving me my son back?"

"Mom, what's going on? Who's at the door?" Bryce slowly walked to them, rubbing his eyes as well. "Oh, hi Cinzia." He said like there was nothing weird.

"What have you done to my son?" Cinzia glared at Jessica.

"The only thing you weren't capable of - taking care of me. You were never there for me, Cinzia." he stood in front of his (new... from now Jessica=mom) mom. "Neither for Kimy." he glared into her eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"What do you actually know about me? What is my favorite food, huh?" Jessica pulled him closer.

"Don't touch my son." Cinzia said harshly, pointing at the nurse.

"I'm not your son, deal with it." he closed the door. "So annoying. Can we go back to sleep, mom?" he looked at her, hoping for a positive response.

"Sure, but next time be nice to her, okay?"

"Promise." he hugged her and both of them went back to sleep, only to be stopped by knocking. "I'll get that." he said and went back to the door. He opened them, seeing a cop at the door. "Yes?"

"Bryce Jenn?" he nodded. "We've got a report, saying you were kidnapped."

"No, I wasn't. In case it was given to you by Mrs. Jenn, then you shouldn't have minded it. She's my biological mother, but nothing more. Anything else I can help you with?" Bryce yawned, leaning his head against the door frame.

"Nothing." The officer said and left without anything else to say. Bryce walked back to the point they were at when there was banging on the door. He rolled his eyes and walked back.

"Yes?" he opened the door, seeing Cinzia and the officer.

"That's my son and the woman living in this house kidnapped him." Cinzia pointed at Bryce and into the house.

"For one last time. I was not kidnapped. I was at the hospital, I got hurt, so I was legally taken with my new, much better, mom to a new home." he rolled his eyes over Cinzia and looked at the officer.

"Mrs. Jenn, is this true?"

"Yes, but he's still my son and I want him with me."

"Well he has been taken home legally, so I can't do anything, mistress. He looks healthy and happy, so I can't even call anyone else."

"He's my son, I want him with me." she said sternly towards the officer.

"You are not my mother anymore. Can I please get back to sleep, now?" officer nodded, Bryce closed the door and went back to his bed, falling asleep immediately, while Cinzia started yelling.

"How can you let this happen? My own son doesn't have to come back to me. How can you let this happen?" she yelled at him.

"Calm down, madam, or I will have to take you to the station for a few hours."

"That's fine officer, I'll take care of her." John walked out of the house quietly.

"You know her?"

"Yes, she was my wife before you signed me as dead. Come on, Cinzia, let's get you back to Almon's residence." he smiled kindly at the officer and led Cinzia away.

"How can you still be alive?" she stared at him.

"Well, I never really died. I wasn't even there when the house was on fire. I came when it was all already done and saw Kimy outside and Bryce nowhere to be seen."

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