14 ☑️

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"Linny." Kimy shook her best friend's shoulder. "Wake up, we're going home."

"She can sleep here, we won't hurt her." Helen said as she leaned against the wall behind Kimy. "If you gave me any chance to get to know each other, we might be good friends."

Kimy chuckled ironically: "Good joke, do you have some more of these? It's not typical for me to trust people easily, for Bryce it's even less possible. Somehow you used your magic and he does, but I'm not that easy to crack." Kimy stood up and walked over to her.

"I don't want to fight you. I'm no fighter, I was shocked when he showed up and I admit, I was a little rude, but I didn't know him. He's not bad, so I have no reason to be like that either." Helen said.

"Shhh, you might wake her up." Bryce whispered from the couch with a light raspy voice. He yawned and fell back asleep.

"Come on, we probably want to go to a different room." Helen whispered.

"No, Helen, we want to go home, all four of us. Just because he trusts you, I won't. You took him away and this fight between us won't stop that easily." Kimy grunted and went to look for John.

"I don't think, they will get along that easily as we did, because our daughters aren't the same or exact opposites. They are both sweet, but Kimy is bittersweet when somebody is threatening her brother, but Helen isn't. She never had a sibling before, so she didn't get a chance to get that instinct." Jessica said.

"I understand, what you want to say. It's not easy for us to get them to make it better. It will be harder for Bryce, because like I know Kimy, she will be very distant from Helen and she will keep on trying to get Bryce to live with us again." John rubbed his face with a sigh. They didn't know, that one of their daughters was listening.

"He will have it the hardest from all of us. I think, that if he could, he would make us one big family, but he can't, at least not now and it will hurt him more than he will let us see." John nodded, completely agreeing with Jessica. "But it's nice to see her being protective over her older brother. Helen will never get to experience that. She wasn't taught to do so." Helen came over to Kimy and listened too. "I just want them to work it out."

"They will, it just needs time for Kimy to gain her trust in her. She dealt with you because she understood that Bryce needs a mother, but he already has a sister and he puts more of his attention on her. I'm not saying, Kimy's selfish. She's just used to having her brother all to herself. It's easier to take care of him if it's that way. She just doesn't know, how to say it." both girls were listening to the wise words of Bryce's father.

"I know, but will only hurt our boy. That is the only thing, which is bothering me." John sighed.

Kimy slowly knocked on the door, opened them, and peeked in. "Dad, when are we going home? I mean all of us. Linny is cuddle-sleeping on Bryce's chest."

"Well, then I don't know. Can we let Linny sleep here? Just for this night." John looked at the other parent in the room.

"Sure. I don't see, why not. Well if you want, you all can stay here." Kimy rolled her eyes and left the room.

"Maybe next time. As you can see, Kimy's still a little stubborn." John sighed.

"Don't worry, it will get better." Jessica smiled. "Just give it some time and Bryce's work. We both know, he will do everything he can just to make them friends."

While parents were trying to not get depressions from the behavior of Bryce's sister, Linny was sleeping soundly on the couch in her boyfriend's embrace.

"Why can't you come back home? Do you know, how many things would be better then?" voice of his sister came from behind. "Maybe I and Helen would accept each other easier."

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