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Bryce, still not knowing anything, sat beside the bench. "That kid's still here, I think we should do something. He has been here for more than a week and I never saw him eat anything. Boss, I think we should take him at least to the hospital." George slowed the car, showing Michael that Bryce still didn't leave.

"I agree with you, George. Maybe I'm teaching everyone not to have sympathy, but this boy either lost his parents or they don't care about him and we can use him for something. Stop it and let him come." car is stopped right beside him and the chauffeur stepped out to open the door for the young kid. When the kid didn't move, it was weird to both men, the child just kept its shining eyes and smile on. "George, can you please carry him in?"

"Sure thing, sir." George stepped closer to the kid, Bryce got happier, that someone is going to play with him. "Come here big boy." the giggle of a year old baby rang through men's ears. "For a big boy, you have quite a childish laugh." more giggling, which quickly turned into a laugh. "He looks quite cute, sir." he chuckled as the kid looked at him with those deep brown eyes. He closed their door and walked around the car, back behind the wheel. "So where to, sir?"

"Hospital George, then home with this young man." Bryce giggled, not understanding any of those words they said, and stared at his fingers, as they started to move. "What is wrong with you? You're acting like a newborn." Michael looked at Bryce, not knowing it was his daughter's dead boyfriend.

"He looks quite familiar, I think I've seen him before... We'll be there in a few minutes sir." Michael nodded, not letting his eyes leave Bryce, thinking about, what happened to this teenager in front of him. What can be wrong with this kid? "We're here, sir. Do you want me to carry him inside?" he parked their car at the exact same place, where John did a few months ago.

"It doesn't look like he's going to walk anytime soon so if you're willing to." the chauffeur nodded his head and quickly ran to the doors, opening them for Michael and then taking Bryce into his arms. "Hey, we found this boy out, a few blocks away and nobody looks like they belong together, so we brought him here."

"Here, fill these papers and right after, I'll send some doctor to you to look at him." a quite young girl handed Michael two papers. "He looks like Grassi's kid, few cops left a picture of him, for us to let them know if we find him 2 weeks ago. They tested those bones and something was odd about it, so just in case they left their pictures here."

"Oh god sir, this is your daughter's boyfriend." George looked at his boss with widened eyes.

"You can call them and I'll get the rest of it, ma'am. Can you send that doctor now? It'd be nice of you." she nodded and called one of the more known white-dressed guys.

"Can I ask why isn't he walking by himself?" that was the doctor's first sentence.

"We don't know, we already found him this way." Michael said. "He is like a newborn, he looks like he can't talk, nor walk."

"Mary, call Doctor Lock, this looks like one of his older cases." the woman behind the desk nodded and took the phone, speed dialing one of the numbers.

"Doctor, you're needed, we found a teen newborn... again."

"I'll be there in 10, Mary. Tell Aaron to look at the kid's left eye and don't hang up. I'll be walking you two through it until I'm there." they worked perfectly in sync. Cops rushed in and Mary instantly pointed at the men, who brought Bryce there. "Mary, this looks worse than the kid before. Take him on a CT scan of his head and put him in my work-room. I'm 2-4 minutes away. It has the biggest priority." he hung up and she told the doctor, what to do. The doctor left with Bryce, while cops were questioning both men.

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