5 ☑️

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"Hey, what are you doing here so soon?" Bryce asked when Linny peeked into his room.

"Just happy, you're coming home tomorrow." she sat down on the chair next to his bed. "Dad will come in the afternoon with George, but I had nothing to do, so I decided to come and look at my favorite patient." she smiled and took his hand in hers.

"When will I remember everything?" Bryce sighed with a little frown.

"Don't worry, when the time's right, you'll know all those nerdy stuff, that you knew. And maybe more." she realized, he still didn't know about the relationship between them. "Oh, I wanted to tell you. The day after your birthday I met this guy and he asked me out, I said yes." she smiled at him again.

"I'm happy for you. Will he be coming over in the future? I'd like to meet that lucky guy." he squeezed her hand, before letting it go. Out of nowhere, somebody knocked on the door. "Come in." Bryce called and nurse Mills opened the door with breakfast on a plate and fork in her hand.

"Breakfast time, when you're done, call me. We need to do a few tests to make sure you're really good to go." she handed him his food and left.

"Want part of it?" Bryce asked before taking a bite of his food.

"No, I'm not hungry yet. I'm not used to even being up this soon, so feel free to eat it all." he dug into it and a few moments later he had an empty plate. "I'm going to call her." she stood up and left for a while. When they came, Mills took him away, so he didn't have time to ask why she was looking behind him half of the time.

"Hey sweetie, you left your wallet at home, so I brought it." Michael knocked on the door.

"He's not coming closer. He's still in that corner, looking at me. I don't know what to do dad." Linny set her head in her hands with a loud sigh.

"What do you mean? He remembers almost everything, so where's the problem?"

"I don't know. Maybe until he remembers, what was between us, he won't go in. I don't want to tell him about us, but I feel like, if I don't, I'll keep losing him." tears ran down her face.

"You won't, if he wasn't a coward, he'll come back to you and last time I checked, he wasn't one."

"No, but it starts to feel like it. I don't know, why it matters so much to me. I have Daniel and he looks happy, but I'm not as happy as I'd be if he knew, but I am happy." Michael hugged his daughter.

"Are you sure, you're happy? It doesn't feel like it, dear. If you don't like Daniel, then let him go. But if you do, then let both boys meet each other and see, if anything changes. Maybe Bryce just needs something to trigger him 'out'."

"And what if not? What if Daniel gets jealous of Bryce living with me and later break up with me? I don't want to lose him this soon, not like Bryce." more tears started running down her face. "He was all that really mattered to me and a few months later, he was gone."

"If he did love you, then he'll come back to you."

"I hope so dad, I miss him."

"Oh shoot, I have to go, but I'll be here around three, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah go, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." Michael laughed and left. She took out her phone and opened the messages.

To: Hey, will you come over tomorrow? :) she sent it to Daniel and waited for his always quick responses.

From: Hey. Sure thing Kit. When should I come? she froze at the nickname.

To: I'll let you know. I want you to meet my ex, Bryce. He's going to live with us because he has nowhere to go :( hope you are not mad about it (:

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