22 ☑️

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"You're still here," Helen snorted as she noticed Libby packing her things in room that belonged to boy they used to adore and who made them feel like nobody will ever love and care more about them.

Libby snorted back. "What did you expect? I needed to find place where I can stay. Thankfully Jessie was just making fun of me and my mother decided to give me second chance," her voice held nothing of what used to be there. No caring, no love, no sympathy. Just annoyance and anger. "I thought that you care about people and that you wouldn't let them get hurt, but I was wrong. You're just naïve. Along with that little squirt of yours."

"You have 5 minutes to leave my house. I will not tolerate this behavior," Helen said through gritted teeth.

She turned to leave, when Libby stopped her. "Before you leave, I found this when I was packing my things. It seems to be something Jessie's sisters should read," she handed her envelope with girls' names on it. Helen took it and left. Libby took her bags and walked out.

Car was already there. "Did you give it to them?" Jessie stood there. He was leaning against the car. His eyes weren't leaving window of Helen's room. Kimy was there looking at him with tears in her eyes.

Libby rolled her eyes. "Of course. You told me to and my mother made it pretty clear that my position is lower than yours," she snorted and looked at him with look saying that she wanted to go.

He chuckled. "You seem to be pissed off. Did Helen decide that she deserves something else?" he finally looked at her. She was red from anger. "What? Don't tell me you didn't see it coming. The moment I saw them I knew you two had no chance if you weren't going to fight for her. She chose someone who she likes over someone who's not able to tell her what she feels. The result was way more than just obvious."

"I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I didn't want to push her and we weren't dating, it was her choice to make," Libby snorted. She tried to sit in the car and leave, but he stopped her again. "What?"

"I have some business here that I have to take care of. So don't be so quick. We're going to see two people before you can go cry to your bed," he said. He looked back at the house. This time both girls were looking at them from the window. He waved at them and got in the car.

"He was looking into my eyes," Kimy sniffed. "He didn't move until he wanted to tell her something that pissed her off even more."

"Yeah, well they're gone and I don't think we're going to see them anytime soon," Helen hugged younger girl. Kimy started crying. "I know this may not be the best time, but he left us some letter. I don't know if it had been there since he left after the break-up or he brought it today. Libby said she found it when she was packing up."

"Did you read it already?" Kimy looked up as her tears went down her cheeks. The answer was negative. "Are we going to read it?"

"We should, but I don't care. He left and became this monster. Whatever he wants to say, I want to hear it from him while he's looking into my eyes," Helen looked at the letter and threw it on her table. "It's time for some chocolate or ice cream."

Kimy shook her head. "I think we should read it. Maybe some things will get cleared and we will finally understand what's up with all this."

"How can we be sure that any word in it is true?" Helen asked motioning towards the letter.

"We can't, but I still think it's not such bad idea to read it," Helen sighed and went to take the letter with head bowed after she lost the fight.

"You're going to be the death of me," Helen laid beside her on the bed and opened the envelope. Letter seemed to be full of text. They opened it.

Hey girls,

The QueerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora